Saturday, December 12, 2020

Urgent message from G.HREES , Greece, to the President of the United States, D.Trump, and all government authorities across the world: DANGER!!! DANGER!!! ASTRAZENECA’s covid-19 vaccines can cause mutations to the human RNA and DNA genomes!!.


Dear sirs of all planet governments, the G.H.REES Greece medical department want to inform you that on the covid-19 packaging by ASTRAZENECA , there is the term ''RECOMBINANT'' of human RNA and DNA which is a substance that can alter the human RNA and DNA genomes.

To begin with, the above altering of the human genome is strictly forbidden by the ‘’ global declaration for the protection of the human RNA and DNA genomes”. According to this declaration, above alterations to the human genomes constitute a crime against humanity.

Thus, ASTRAZENECA is a criminal against humanity and we call upon you to denounce it before an international court of law, and to dispose of all ASTRAZENECA covid-19 vaccines for any illness.

Because ASTRAZENECA and other vaccine manufacturing firms collaborated with the biowarfare labs at Wuhan CHINA, as the main manufacturer of the covid-19 virus as a biological weapon of the CHINESE ARMY against all other nations, we appeal to you to ban all your citizens from being covid-19 vaccinated, especially your armed forces and national securities. If you choose to allow use of these ‘’recombinant human RNA and DNA’’ vaccines, the next day you will be up against ill , destined-to die citizens and armed forces with severe neurological and pathological conditions, and a total dismantling of your countries. It is finally proven that CHINA’s ultimate goal is the complete demise of all nations on the planet, in order to establish the so-called ''kingdom of SIN-SION-SINA(CHINA) JEHOVA'', always talked about in traitorous masonic lodges . That is, the total genocide of all nations on the planet in order for CHINA to establish its '' planetary dictator state 888 and that of unified KOREA 777''.

All lockdown situations and vaccinations in your countries must be banned , and you should apply the G.H.REES medical department dietary instructions , in order to strengthen your people’s immune systems so as to ward off any virus , i.e the plague (disease masterplanned in Chinese bio-warfare labs) which CHINA is planning to unleash against every nation , to kill off 30% of the population except CHINA and KOREA in case it finally fails to destroy all countries through criminal covid-19 lockdowns. CHINA 888 and KOREA 777 are planning to cause worldwide financial collapse , hunger, disease through continuous lockdowns, and collapse of the armed forces and national securities of every nation in the world.

On behalf of the G.HREES headquarters, Greece, Karageorgiu Yannis, national and planet security General of G.H.REES ,Volos,Iolcos, Greece (HELLAS), 8/12

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