Thursday, December 31, 2020

Top urgent message of military security and defence sufficiency of the USA, NATO and SEATO, from Karageorgiu Yannis, G.HREES national and planet security General, to the US President Mr. D. Trump, US Defence Minister, and US Pentagon staff: Either devious or foolish US defence inadequacy in light of China.


Top urgent message of  military security and defence sufficiency of the USA, NATO and SEATO, from Karageorgiu Yannis, G.HREES national and planet security General, to the US President Mr. D. Trump, US Defence Minister, and US Pentagon staff: Either devious or foolish US defence inadequacy in light of China.

Dear Mr President, Defence Minister, and staff members of the US Pentagon, we point out a foolish , if not devious, delay in reinforcing US Defence along with NATO and SEATO, compared to CHINA  and generally against the SHANGHAI PACT or R.I.C. , the Asian trilateral of Russia, Shiite Islam, China, pertaining to the three US armed forces as follows:

1).Land forces: Russian Defence Minister Soigou publicly announced construction of 150 new transcontinental nuclear ICBM AVANTGUARD missiles capable of reaching speeds of 27 mach. We deem such speed beyond 5 to 6 mach excessive for the existing missiles , of solid fuel or other type of 5 mach meteor. We also consider this a bluff of terrorizing and causing weakness in the US armed forces , in light of WWIII.

However, during the recent multisound beam ICBM AVANTGUARD missile trials in Russia, there were reported accidents such as nuclear explosions in AVANTGUARD missile engines. This goes to prove that these engines are now ion-propelled, that is , subphoton speed decompression ions, with ionization and mercury ions decompression or other heavy metal very likely.

In the above case, we estimate a maximum speed of 11 mach for the AVANTGUARD missiles within the stratosphere, as long as the missiles come fully equipped with ceramic tiles on the outside for protection against extreme heating upon re-entering the earth’s atmosphere.

The AVANTGUARD engines must contain a boiling and mercury vaporization machine, along with a very powerful ion decompression electromagnet powered by electric generators rotated by immaterial engines of the METEOR type or conventional jet engines of liquid fuel.

The ionization of the decompression ions of the engine is further reinforced by the radiation emitted by the radioactive material of the AVANTGUARD.  US Defence industry is totally ignorant of the above Russian technology, which is proof that the US CABAL deliberately caused delay in US Defence  so that the USA may be defeated by China in WWIII.

2).US Navy: You have been notified already of torpedoes of the HYPERCAVITATION PHENOMENON of 600km/h which Russia sold to China. The next generation of such torpedoes reaches 800+km/h , which makes it  impossible for the US Navy to defend itself , as a result the USA will be defeated by China in WWIII. China is also attempting to build H.V.P submarines reaching 800km/h, and is bluffing with H.V.P supersonic subs which is technically impossible.

The US Navy, deviously or foolishly, did nothing to develop submarine defence weapons against H.V.P. torpedoes , thus conspiring for the defeat of the USA from Russia and China in WWIII.

3).Russian Defence Ministry announced an immediate development of multisonic air missiles of the METEOR type for its STEALTH SU-17 aircraft.

The SU-57 is a stealth fighter and air supremacy aircraft , and if equipped with multisonic missiles it will become indestructible. The US do have a similar F-22 RAPTOR aircraft but the US Pentagon did not take the time to develop multisonic missiles for the F-22, and left these missiles for the F-35s only. However, the F-35s are not fighter and air supremacy aircraft but rather sluggish aircraft only capable of firing long range METEOR missiles.

Therefore, once again the US Pentagon by order of the CABAL made sure that the USA will be defeated by Russian and Chinese air force , with China already copying and building Russian aircraft.


The USA must urgently put a stop to wasting public funds , i.e for the equality of women in Pakistan!! and other CABAL frauds, and must urgently begin a race to bridge the technological  defence gap between the USA and Russia. If not, then the USA and other nations across the planet will be genocided by the Chinese army 888and Korean army 777in WWIII of 2027, or in the now accelerated WWIII of 2021.

End of message.

Karageorgiu Yannis, 12 Elpidos str. Nea Ionia, Volos, Iolcos, Greece (Hellas) , Time: 05:55, 31/12/20.


Mr President, Defence Minister, and US Pentagon staff, I may no longer be able to transmit G.HREES messages to you for US national and military security, due to my deteriorating health issues from CABAL Greece’s many long persecutions , my destroyed residence and G.HREES office Greece,  due to my nil income , and literally homeless .

Should this happen, stand your ground and remain adamant in your just struggle and be victorious with the help of the God of the Universal Hierarchy.


Karageorgiu Yannis.




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