Sunday, December 13, 2020

URGENT!! from G.H.REES headquarters to President Trump: Turkey is mocking the United States President, the USA and NATO as hateful and unreliable across the world.

 URGENT!! from G.H.REES headquarters to President Trump: Turkey is mocking the United States President, the USA and NATO  as hateful and unreliable across the world.

Dear Mr. President of the United States, please see below some of the reasons why you should immediately impose the strictest CAATSA law on Turkey, if not its total expulsion from NATO alliance:

1).Turkey does not function as a NATO ally but rather , by order of CHINA, is conspiring to set up an offensive military Touranian (Mongolian)Islamic treaty of 61-64 Mongolian and Islamic nations , against America and Russia for the collapse of both of these countries, by inciting Afroamerican Islamic communities to war against Washington D.C. See Turkish army deployments for the ‘’liberation of Kashmir from India’’!!! for the dismantling of SEATO and the Turkish army in Iraq, Syria and elsewhere, so that a global Ottoman empire can be established based in Turkey.

2).Turkey has twice so far carried out mutual military drills with the Chinese army on Turkish soil, against NATO, and therefore against the USA.

3).Turkey has been provided with long range strategic missiles from China, as well as supersonic anti-navy missiles against NATO, therefore against the USA. Look up this info at DIA.

4).As a NATO member state, Turkey is waging war against the Arab League , thus leading to an Arab-USA conflict.

5).Turkey removed the Azerbaijani chief of command and replaced him with the Turkish minister of Defence as Chief of the armed forces of Azerbaijan, who ordered decapitations and torture against unarmed Armenian civilians in Nagorno-Karabach. As a result of these crimes against humanity by Turkey, America and US President Trump as NATO leader are being scolded by Russian Christians .

6).The Turkish army, as an army of NATO, is killing Kurdish civilians and raping women in Syria, thus the Kurds are now swearing at  the USA and NATO leader President Trump as a criminal against humanity.

7).China disclosed that the war of Turkey against Armenia and the Turkish occupation of Nagorno-Karabach were aimed at setting up China’s ‘’SILK ROAD ECONOMIC BELT’’ of fast shipment of Chinese products to America and Europe via Turkey. Turkey will no longer play the role of a Chinese export hub to the West, but as an international Chinese exports hub to the West (that is, as a hub of destruction of US and European manufacture industries aimed at the financial collapse of both USA and Europe.).

8).By order of China, Turkey is also threatening the national security of France, through its military bases in Malta and Libya. Enraged by the attitude of Germany and the US in favour of Turkey, France is threatening to leave both NATO and German E.U, resulting in the breakup of NATO and the E.U and a US Defence collapse in favour of China.

9). Via hyperlodge ‘’HONG’’ of Shanghai and hyperlodges ‘’AOA’’ and ‘’OTO’’ of London, CHINA has ordered the U.K intelligence services to collaborate with Turkey’s MIT against the US and the E.U. aimed at the breakup of both in favour of CHINA.

10).China ordered Chinese-occupied CANADA to threaten the US with military action , in case Biden’s ‘’Democrats’’ do not take over the US Presidency. This alone verifies treason of the Democrats by giving confidential information to China.

11). Take into account that the British Prime Minister is of Turkish descent , and that the Queen of England as the CABAL leader, has ordered all country members of the British Commonwealth to turn against the USA and President Trump himself.

12). Solution to the problem: President Trump must abolish all western planetary leaderships of the Vatican, London, and Switzerland, and must gather all planetary leadership of the West at the White House and the American Pentagon. At the same time , you should declare Martial Law in the USA and NATO member states, by imposing very tight US military security measures , as well as general sanctions of the USA against Germany, England, Belgium (Brussels), and Turkey.

13). You must immediately take actions for the breakup of Chinese/Turkish-occupied United Nations (ONU), and you must set up the ‘’Nationalist-Patriotic countries Organisation”.

On behalf of the G.H.REES headquarters, Karageorgiu Yannis, G.HREES. national and planet security General of G.HREES Greece, Volos, Iolcos, Greece(Hellas), time: 05:23, 13/12/20.


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