Tuesday, December 15, 2020

MOST URGENT!!! From the G.HREES (Group for Hellenic Re-establishment) military division to the President of the United States, US Pentagon staff, Greek High Command staff and general military staff across the world , via their military attaches of their embassies in Athens , Greece. ,Dear Mr. President of the United States of America, sirs of the US armed forces, officers of the Greek armed forces, and officers of the armed forces of all world nations:


MOST URGENT!!! From the G.HREES (Group for Hellenic Re-establishment) military division to the President of the United States, US Pentagon staff, Greek High Command staff and general military staff across the world , via their military attaches of their embassies in Athens , Greece. ,Dear Mr. President of the United States of America, sirs of the US armed forces, officers of the Greek armed forces, and officers of the armed forces of all world nations:

Following the sailing of the CHINESE and British Navy fleets (British Navy takes orders from Queen Elisabeth herself as chief leader of the CABAL, who in turn takes orders directly from CHINA), it is obvious that the CHINESE ARMY and its allies, that is England and Turkey, is preparing for a mega PEARL HARBOUR incident against the USA and European NATO member states, SEATO member states, Arab nations, and against the Buddhist nations of Asia with JAPAN the first up for attack by CHINA.

The fact that WWIII is now being accelerated , rather than its proper timing between 2027-2029 planned by CHINA, is due to the US election fraud disclosures of 3/11/20 by the ''DEMOCRATS'' , which fraud was organized by CHINESE agents in the USA. The aim was for China’s slave  ''Democrat'' leader Jo Biden to take over the Presidency , so that the USA/NATO/SEATO will be defeated in WWIII in 2027-2029, and to finally establish the planetary dictatorship of ''JEHOVA’S Kingdom'' of both CHINA 888 and unified KOREA 777 after the genocide of 5 billion people of all nations , including Russians and Shiite Islamic countries during phase two of WWIII, both of which are China’s temporary allies within the ''SHANGHAI PACT''.

Therefore, due to reasons of national security against an imminent invasion of CHINESE ARMED FORCES in your countries , we appeal to you to declare a ''state of WWIII emergency ''in your countries , and to immediately give orders to your Navy fleets  to sail out of their Navy yards within your territorial waters so as to sink any Chinese and Korean vessel entering your territorial waters.

All Chinese and Korean merchant vessels must be banned from entering your territorial waters, as well as other international merchant vessels before inspection by your Navies as it is likely these vessels may have been chartered by China and Korea to carry Chinese/Korean troops intending to land on your shores.

All CHINESE and KOREAN shipping along with their shipping firms must be banned from entering your ports.

 You must defend and support the US Navy, US armed forces, and the U.S patriot President D.Trump, since they alone have undertaken the role of defending all countries worldwide, that is, defending their own country too against the CHINESE-KOREAN planetary dictatorship following the genocide of ALL countries on the planet in WWIII.

You must overthrow the government and political parties of your country should they refuse to declare a ''war emergency'', because this would prove your country’s politicians are traitors taking bribes from China, pretending to invest in your countries.

End of the ''COSMIC ETNA'' message.

On behalf of the G.H.REES (Group for Hellenic Re-establishment) military leg, Karageorgiu Yannis, G.H.REES national and planet security General , Volos, Iolcos, Greece (Hellas) , 05:15, 15/12/20.


Discontinue all diplomatic , commercial or other relations with CANADA, as the Canadian government betrayed Canadian national security by allowing more than 10 CHINESE army units to set foot on Canadian soil against the United States. The Chinese-Canadian government threatened that : ''Canada will launch a military assault against the USA if President Trump is again elected President of the USA''!!!, because D.Trump’s politics is ruining China’s planning for a planetary dictatorship. You must throw the yellow  Chinese and Korean serpents , their Turkish agents and companies out of your countries as soon as possible, if you don’t want to ''commit suicide'' on a national level , by establishing a '' rightful Chinese military occupation'' of your countries due to your incompetence and weakness to be rid of Chinese stocks in your state and private companies , much like it happened with Chinese- enslaved Panama. On behalf of G.H.REES military division, Karageorgiu Yannis.


Fatal US defence and national security mistakes made by the US Pentagon:

Panama is under occupation by the CHINESE ARMY. This is a special forces Chinese army , arrived in Panama under the false identity of '' security personnel'' of the Chinese product assembly firms operating in Panama. This means the USA is strategically surrounded from the North (CANADA) and from the South (PANAMA) by an army of thousands of special forces troops ready to invade the USA. Thus, President Trump must call off the ''state of emrgency'' in the USA, and , following threats of the Chinese army stationed in Canada to invade the USA, must immediately declare a ''state of siege against the USA'', a state of ''Martial Law'', and a general mobilisation of the US army breaking it up into two army units as follows: a North army unit against the Chinese army in Canada, and a South unit against the Chinese units in Panama. If President Trump does not take immediate action to take these measures , America will be taken over by the Chinese army and be broken apart , and all world nations along with it.

On behalf of the G.H.REES military division, Karageorgiu Yannis.


Most urgent to the US President D.Trump and Pentagon staff from the G.H.REES military division staff : US army security of units stationed outside the US:

Dear Mr.President , and Pentagon staff ,the armies of the countries ruled by China’s CABAL will attack against the above US army units stationed in countries outside the USA. Notify the  staff leaders of the army units of those countries that if they attack US army units in their own countries with their own armies following orders of China’s CABAL, there will be a massive US counterattack against their local armies until complete extermination of all officers of all ranks.

My residence, destroyed by the CABAL Greece, lies only a short distance away from the 32nd Marines unit with another US Marines unit also stationed there in the city of Volos. We believe this US unit is inefficiently fortified in case the traitorous Greek government of the CABAL gives the order for the 32nd Greek Marines unit to turn against the US unit. We notify the Greek staff of the Greek armed forces High Command that if they give such an order of CABAL bastard Greek Prime Minister Mitsotakis, they will be exterminated by G.HREES , along with their families.

Karageorgiu Yannis, G.H.REES Greece.



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