Sunday, May 26, 2019

Military division headquarters of the Greek G.HREES (GROUP FOR HELLENIC RE-ESTABLISHMENT) to the leaders of ''AOA'' and ''OTO'' masonic hyper-lodges of the West, via the UK embassy in Athens: Immediately cease reception of ALL orders from masonic hyper-lodge ''HONG'' Shanghai, CHINA, as well as from ''LEVAN'' parapsychology (channeling) staff.

Military division headquarters of the Greek G.HREES (GROUP FOR HELLENIC RE-ESTABLISHMENT) to the leaders of ''AOA'' and ''OTO'' masonic hyper-lodges of the West, via the UK embassy in Athens: Immediately cease reception of ALL orders from masonic hyper-lodge ''HONG'' Shanghai, CHINA, as well as from ''LEVAN'' parapsychology (channeling) staff.

1)Immediately order the governments of the USA, RUSSIA, and E.E. to halt their collusive attempts to wage a Balkan war against Greece and Cyprus.

2) Immediately order the elimination of the false, usurious external debt of Greece, as well as the annulment of ALL relevant memoranda.

3)Immediately put  a stop to all of TURKEY’S external armament as well as that of the countries of the ''BASTR'' axis (BULGARIA-ALBANIA-SKOPJE-TURKEY-ROMANIA).

4)Immediately terminate ''English supremacy'' on Greek soil, as well as transmission of orders to the masonic lodges in Greece.

Failure to comply with the above orders will result in our ordering the burning of government buildings and shelters in the above mentioned countries , through our concentrated, amplified energy weapons of G.HREES , along with some ''other power weapons''…..

On behalf of G.HREES, Karageorgiou Giannis, G.HREES representative, Volos, Iolkos.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Top urgent matter-message of planetary security issued by G.HREES (Group of Hellenic re-establishment-Group of planetary re-establishment) prytaneum in Athens, to ALL governments and nations across the globe via their representatives in the United Nations (ONU). Subject: Collusive scheme to provoke WWIII for the genocide of 5 billion people of ALL nations of planet earth, except CHINA 888 and unified KOREA 777. The scheme was conceived by the masonic hyper-lodge ''HONG'' in Shanghai China, and is being executed by ''AOA'' and ''OTO'' Hebrewsaxon masonic lodges of the West , based in London, through the Hebrew governments of Moscow and Washington '' ''HONG'' in Beijing , the Hebrew governments of the European nations and the pseudo-Islamic Hebrew governments of Siitic Islamic nations.

Top urgent matter-message of planetary security issued by G.HREES (Group of Hellenic re-establishment-Group of planetary re-establishment) prytaneum in Athens, to ALL governments and nations across the globe via their representatives in the United Nations (ONU). Subject: Collusive scheme to provoke WWIII for the genocide of 5 billion people of ALL nations of planet earth, except CHINA 888 and unified KOREA 777. The scheme was conceived by the masonic hyper-lodge ''HONG'' in Shanghai China, and is being executed by  ''AOA'' and ''OTO'' Hebrewsaxon masonic lodges of the West , based in London, through the Hebrew governments of Moscow and Washington '' ''HONG'' in Beijing , the Hebrew governments of the European nations and the pseudo-Islamic Hebrew governments of Siitic Islamic nations.


At the outbreak of WWIII, HONG and AOA+OTO have ordered the Jewish governments of USA and IRAN to attack each other , so that in phase 2 CHINA-RUSSIA-SIITIC ISLAMIC NATIONS will form an alliance with IRAN against the US-EUROPE-JAPAN-INDIA-SOUNITIC ISLAM-BUDHIST ASIAN NATIONS , thus defining the two opposite WWIII fronts. CHINA and KOREA will be the final winners, following a genocide of ethnic cleansing by the CHINESE ARMY against ALL NON PURELY YELLOW NATIONS, against the present day allies of CHINA, that is, RUSSIA and SIITIC ISLAM.

Therefore, so as to avoid their genocide in WWIII, G.HREES/G.PLREES prytaneum are calling upon ALL governments of the planet to immediately withdraw from NATO 666-SEATO 666 and R.I.C 888+777- RUSSIA SIITIC ISLAM-CHINA ''Defence treaties'' , or the ''SHANGHAI PACT 777+888''.

On behalf of G.H.REES/G.PLREES prytaneum, the G.HREES (Group of Hellenic re-establishment) representative, Karageorgiou Giannis, national and planetary security General, 12 Elpidos str. Nea Ionia, Volos-Iolkos, Hellas.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Ultra urgent message from the Greek ‘’Group of planetary re-establishment, department of ecology’’ for the safety of ecological fauna to the Australian government via the cultural attaché of the Australian embassy in Athens, Greece:

Ultra urgent message from the  Greek ‘’Group of planetary re-establishment, department of ecology’’ for the safety of ecological fauna to the Australian government via the cultural attaché of the Australian embassy in Athens, Greece:

Sirs of the government of Australia:

It has come to our attention that your government has initiated the extermination of the small cats population of the Australian fauna, by aerial drops of poisoned meat. We warn you that this act of yours also constitutes a crime against the public hygiene of the citizens of Australia, as well as animal species of the Australian fauna for two reasons:

1).The small wild cats you are exterminating in mass numbers in Australia are the natural enemy of rodents which are carriers and the cause of deadly epidemics of the bubonic plague since antiquity. Likewise, the small feline cats constitute the natural enemy of harmful reptiles, like venomous lizards, and snakes.

Should you bring about the murder of 6,000,000 wild cats as planned , the consequences will be as follows:

A).You are exposing the citizens of Australia to a deadly bubonic plague epidemic, since there will be an overpopulation of rodents. Likewise, you will be exposing the citizens of Australia to deadly poisoning by an overpopulation of the aforementioned venomous reptiles. It must be pointed out that mutated bubonic plague, for which there is no antibiotics treatment, has already affected parts of France , Bulgaria, North Africa, and is steadily spreading to other countries. You should look up ‘’the World Hygiene Organisation, WHO’’ for more information.

This case of mutated bubonic plague was brought about by overpopulations of rodents-mice, and is also killing hog populations by the masses. Based on this, it was falsely given the name ‘’the hog (swine) plague’’.

B).The poisoned meat dropped from the air will also be consumed by other carnivorous and omnivorous species of the Australian fauna , as a result you will cause the total genocide of ALL species on Australian soil, which will lead to an irreparable desertification of all the species of fauna in Australia.

Rather than the ecological crime you are committing, we propose you should immediately cease the genocide of the small felines of Australia and that you take the following feasible measures:

1).Construct breeding grounds of rare species of bird threatened by the small wild cats which you will later release into the wild.

2).Carry out aerial drops of meat mixed with contraceptives affecting only the female cats, and only in overpopulated areas of these felines, taking into account contraception in population of up to 1,000,000 female wild cats , that is, only 1/3 of female wild cats.

We should add that statistically, wild cats kill about 1,000 species of insect, reptile , rodent, harmful to people, i.e.cockroaches, grasshoppers, etc.
By killing wild cats, you are provoking an overpopulation of grasshoppers which will cause destruction of all crops and trees and plants in Australia.

Should you choose to ignore and turn down our advice, we will put the blame of this international crime of genocide of the small wild cats you are now committing on the Hebrew Queen of England, as supreme leader of Australia, a member of the British Commonwealth. The Hebrew Queen will be accused of deviously provoking deadly epidemics against innocent people, and a genocide of all fauna within the nations of the white race.

The G.H.REES (Group of Hellenic and Planetary Re-establishment) representative, Karageorgiou Giannis, 12 Elpidos str. Nea Ionia, Volos, Greece.


The House of England is the pseudo-Windsor Jewish-German House of ‘’Sachs-Koburg-Gotta-Vettin’’ or ‘’Sachs-Koen-Burg-Gotta-Vettin’’