Sunday, May 26, 2019

Military division headquarters of the Greek G.HREES (GROUP FOR HELLENIC RE-ESTABLISHMENT) to the leaders of ''AOA'' and ''OTO'' masonic hyper-lodges of the West, via the UK embassy in Athens: Immediately cease reception of ALL orders from masonic hyper-lodge ''HONG'' Shanghai, CHINA, as well as from ''LEVAN'' parapsychology (channeling) staff.

Military division headquarters of the Greek G.HREES (GROUP FOR HELLENIC RE-ESTABLISHMENT) to the leaders of ''AOA'' and ''OTO'' masonic hyper-lodges of the West, via the UK embassy in Athens: Immediately cease reception of ALL orders from masonic hyper-lodge ''HONG'' Shanghai, CHINA, as well as from ''LEVAN'' parapsychology (channeling) staff.

1)Immediately order the governments of the USA, RUSSIA, and E.E. to halt their collusive attempts to wage a Balkan war against Greece and Cyprus.

2) Immediately order the elimination of the false, usurious external debt of Greece, as well as the annulment of ALL relevant memoranda.

3)Immediately put  a stop to all of TURKEY’S external armament as well as that of the countries of the ''BASTR'' axis (BULGARIA-ALBANIA-SKOPJE-TURKEY-ROMANIA).

4)Immediately terminate ''English supremacy'' on Greek soil, as well as transmission of orders to the masonic lodges in Greece.

Failure to comply with the above orders will result in our ordering the burning of government buildings and shelters in the above mentioned countries , through our concentrated, amplified energy weapons of G.HREES , along with some ''other power weapons''…..

On behalf of G.HREES, Karageorgiou Giannis, G.HREES representative, Volos, Iolkos.

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