What's going on you lunatic Bibi?? you genocidal lunatic? How are you going to drag the US
into war with Iran?With the nuclear bomb cartoons you showed the United Nations and everyone
laughed at you? With the cost of the aftermath of "Sandy" rising steadily by the day?Already damage
to equipment and infrastructure has reached $50 billion in New York.
And New York isn't anywhere near like New Orleans isn't that right Bibi? Let the black race perish
in the rubble just like the Bush administration did with Katrina. And there are so many of your own
people in the "Big Apple" Bibi ,what are you going to say to them?.
Do you really believ Bibi that whoever gets elected President in the upcoming elections,the first thing
he would want to do is to invade Iran? invade Syria?We are also very curious to find out.
Let's see now Bibi how you flexible you are going to be,after the latest developments.
Σε 30-50 δις δολάρια υπολογίζεται το οικονομικό κόστος του τυφώνα Σάντι που έπληξε τις ανατολικές περιοχές των ΗΠΑ( the cost incurred from typhoon Sandy that swept through the eastern coast of the US is estimated
to be 30-50 billion).
Sandys devastation trail: 48 dead, may cost $50 billion in damages
Sandy's cost may hit $50B
The scale of post-Sandy challenge in NY, NJ is unprecedented
Jewish community bears impact of Hurricane Sandy
Syrian group: Heroic Iranian regime created Sandy
The people of New Jersey, who saw their possessions destroyed in a matter of hours by typhoon Sandy,
were paid a visit by Barak Obama,at a time when the death toll has reached 74.
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