HELLAS 26.03.2011
Mister President,
G.H.REES (GROUP OF HELLENIC REESTABLISHMENT) through our web-blog, asked from you to exploit all the capabilities that gives you the constitution of the Russian Federation about Urgent Situations, about Situation of War and about Situation of Siege, etc, in order to abolish and overthrow the Medvedev Government as an extremely dangerous Government for the Russian National Security.
Now, by agreeing with G.H.REES we warn you that if you do not act immediately for this overthrow there will be no 2012 for you, namely there will be no Russia with elections for the emergence of new Government in 2012, because everything will be blown away to pieces much sooner, from World War which now begins with the assault of Europe against the Arab World beginning with Libya.
Correctly you characterized this assault as “CRUSADE” because it is an assault of the Christian West against the Islamic World, namely it is an assault of the trilateral axis “US.E.J.” (USA – EUROPE – JAPAN, which Japan is out of the game anymore due to the destruction that is suffering), namely of the remaining axis “USA – EUROPE” against the Islamic World and especially of the axis “T.I.C.” (Turkey – Islamic States – China). In case Russia doesn’t immediately put an end to this assault of the West against the Islamic World then the developments will be devastating for Russia. And when we write “to put an end” we mean not with petition, not with prayers, not with demands towards the “United Nations”, but we mean to put an end to this war with dynamic way, as has proposed the Paramilitary Corp G.H.REES to you, namely by inserting the Russian Navy Fleet between the Military Forces of Europe and USA and the Air Force of Russia between Libya and the Air Forces of the West, in order to avoid the blackmail situation which will eventually bring Russia inside the axis “T.I.C.” with primary role for Turkey and secondary role for Russia in accordance to the new Axis which will be necessarily be formed against the West.
As has already being analyzed to the rest G.H.REES documents that you have already in your possession mister President, if this military conflict evolves between the West and the “Pact of Shanghai” this will have as end result the genocide and of the 140.000.000 citizens of Russia and of the 160.000.000 citizens of “C.I.S.” (COMMONWEALTH OF INDEPENDENT STATES) by the Chinese and North-Korean Army.
If mister President Putin, you wish to foil this National Catastrophe of Russia and the genocide of 300.000.000 people who have trusted their lives to you, YOU MUST ACT NOW, and you cannot wait for the elections of 2012, because if you wait the elections of 2012 then there will be no Russia in order to realize these elections, because Elections are not realized during a full development of the Third World War. Besides this is obvious, because the Russian Constitution will block these elections due to the War.
Therefore either ACT NOW, or withdraw now from Politics and go to hide in some Igloo of the Eskimos in Alaska, because there will be no future in Russia, if you loose control of the Russian Federation with the destructive politics of the Political Midget – Political Rat Medvedev and of his Hebrew traitors conspirators.
Take in careful consideration also and the Second Article below with Comments and Internet Links that concerns the Troops, namely the Chinese Military Forces that have been massing in Canada, in Mexico, in Panama Canal, in Sudan, in Nigeria and in other places of the World (Cumulatively at least about 2.000.000 of Chinese Army Invasion of the west until now), and do your calculations, because if you leave the Chinese Army to invade and in other Countries of the West then it will be in vain your announcements about doubling of the rate of Strategic Missiles development in Russia, because Russia will be De Facto Economically, Politically, and Militarily already lethally encircled by the Chinese Army in the Entire Planet.
Therefore in the name of your personal survival Mister President Putin, in the name of the survival of your Family, and in the name of the survival of the Russian citizens and of all the citizens of “C.I.S.”, but and in the name of survival of all the people of the Planet, people of the Planet that plans to genocide the Chinese and the North-Korean Army, we call you to overthrow now the Medvedev Government by appealing High Treason against the Russian National Security and Treason against the Country Russia.
Cooperate with the Russian Intelligence Services and find the ways, find the “windows” and the “doors”, which will open to you the Russian Constitution for the overthrow of the Medvedev Government, because if the situation in Libya climax with assault climax of the Western Armies against the Islamic States with beginning in Libya, then every handling that you will make afterwards and especially by naively waiting the elections of 2012, will be in vain, and will mean that and you are also collusion player of the Chinese-Hebrew conspiracy for the genocide of people of the Planet with first the 300.000.000 of the Russian Federation and of “C.I.S.”.
End of Signal
For the Paramilitary Corp “G.H.REES”,
The Geostrategics Analyst of G.H.REES
Karageorgiou Ch. Ch. Yannis
And the Web-blog “Hellen and Chaos”
Chinese army to attend Mexico's bicentennial
A planned Communist invasion of the United States and Canada from Nicaragua, through Mexico ...
Chinese missiles being shipped into Panama?
300.000 Chinese Army - pseudo-immigrants in Canada - evidence Paratroopers in California? China's War Preparations, Compilation thread of Chi-comm war-making developments, Shell, BP Said to Have Been Hacked Through Chinese Internet Servers"In the coming five years, our military will push forward preparations for military conflict in every strategic direction," said Liang Guanglie in an interview published by several state-backed newspapers in China. is prepared to use nuclear weapons against the US if it is attacked by Washington during a confrontation over Taiwan, according to a senior Chinese military official.
ASIAN HIGHWAY ROUTE MAP: uninvited guest: Chinese sub pops up in middle of U.S. Navy exercise, leaving military chiefs red-faced Americans had no idea China's fast-growing submarine fleet had reached such a level of sophistication, or that it posed such a threat.
One Nato figure said the effect was "as big a shock as the Russians launching Sputnik" - a reference to the Soviet Union's first orbiting satellite in 1957 which marked the start of the space age.
This have already done the Chinese in Panama, by initially asking permission for the installment of some hundreds Chinese port-workers, and afterwards by installing there 700.000 allegedly Chinese Products assemblers, and in reality 700.000 Chinese Army in the soft under-belly of “USA”, for the glorifying of the Hebrew-Saxons traitors Politicians and Generals of “USA”, who are silencing and are conspiring for the genocide and of the Americans from the Chinese Army. The same and worse are happening in the Chinese dominated Canada.
By calculating all the above, we advise the Russian Government to ask in Lisbon from the “NATO” Countries, the total disarmament of Turkey and the exit of Turkey from “NATO”, and the expel of all the Chinese from all the Countries of the Planet and especially the expel of the Chinese Army from all the Countries of the Planet, and especially from Panama and from the African Countries, because it is proved anymore that the Geostrategics Analysis Department of G.H.REES made an absolutely correct geostrategic diagnosis concerning the intentions of China, of Turkey, and of Iran, but and of the rest Countries of the axis “TU.S.I.PA.C.” (Turkey – Syria – Iran – Pakistan – China) to use the common geographical corridor for the invasion of Chinese Army against the Country – Members of “NATO” and against Russia until 2012.
As concerns G.H.REES, and the news that reached to the group through the web-blog about the Chinese Army in Canada and in Mexico, this subject is finished, because for G.H.REES wherever exists presence of Chinese Citizens, Immigrants, Traders, Port-Workers, etc, then will exist in parallel and Chinese Army. (The Economy Invasion eventually converts to Political and Military Invasion)
But the reported numbers are scaring and the departments of the Chinese Army that are stationed at this moment that we write in various Countries either directly as Armed Units of Chinese Army escorted by Armored Personnel Carriers (APCs) or as psedo-immigrants, Traders, and Port-Workers Crypto-Lieutenants of the Chinese Army are as following:
300.000 in Canada
100.000 – 200.000 in Mexico
700.000 in Sudan
700.000 in Panama (that has already being reported from G.H.REES a long time ago).
Undetermined number of Chinese Army in Nigeria which allegedly guards the oil and the natural gas there.
In Libya, in Africa generally and elsewhere, such as the Common Military Drills and Pacts between the genocidal whores Turkey – China for the establishment of the newly formed axis “T.I.C.” (Turkey – Islam – China) for the conduct of the Chinese-Hebrew “Armageddon” according to the alternative scheme of the Chinese Hyperlodge “HONG” in front of the partial exit of Russia from the axis “R.I.C.” (Russia – Islam – China) due to the Russian Government briefing by the Geostrategics Documents of G.H.REES.
But here we have a giant international hypocrisy in those Countries that left their borders wide-open and especially the country of the United States of America which allowed to be encircled by the Chinese Army from the North and from the South, and instead of reacting, they, together with Europe now hit Libya, because Libya through Gaddafi had the courage to announce that:
“We must organize 1.000.000 African Army in order to expel from Africa, the Chinese, the Europeans (France and Britain), and all the others!”
This is the reason why they “Burned” Gaddafi, because he made this brave statement of independence against the genociders Dragonians Chinese and against the Hebrewsaxons bandits of the West. From the moment he announced that, Gaddafi has signed his death sentence. Because Gaddafi is a leadership figure for the African Continent and for the “African Union” and for the Islamic Sunnite States of Africa, while “NATO” and the Chinese considers Africa and the Africans as their slaves, who are forcing into eternal slavery (See Chinese-Hebrew-Dragonian “Bible” where Ham = “The African Race” and the Black Race, is destined as “Cursed from the pseudo-God-Yahweha” to be eternal slave of Iapheth and of Sem, aka of the White and Yellow race accordingly) for the banditry of the African Raw Materials, of the African Oil and Natural Gas, etc. Gaddafi in his Statement in December of 2010, didn’t mention and didn’t attack the Russians, but Russians with their attitude till now betrayed Libya. On the Contrary Gaddafi except for the Chinese attacked the French and the British who first and arbitrarily and completely against the International Law converted the “No Fly Zone” into a brutal Aerial bombardment of Libya by attempting to provoke through War Crimes against Islam and the Arab World, the Third World War with the essential tolerance and apathy of the Russian Government, because of the Medvedev Treason who -by criminally acting- didn’t execute his “Veto” right in the Security Council of the “United Nations”.
Therefore, we are calling all the patriots officers of the American Armed Forces and the patriot officers of the 16 Intelligence Services of “USA”, to take their arms and to dispose the traitors inside the American Government except the still relatively resisting-objector Obama (See LINKS:,, ) and to dispose and the Arch-Rabbis of “USA” and the Commanders of their Intelligence Services and their Generals of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, because they withheld and concealed from the American people and kept in absolutely silence the fact of the massing of 300.000 men of the Chinese Army in Canada against “USA”, 100.000 – 200.000 men of the Chinese Army in Mexico against “USA”, and 700.000 men of Chinese Army in Panama against “USA” (and possibly AND mobile Ballistic Chinese Missiles in Panama with capability of Nuclear Strike in the mainland USA in less than 15 minutes), in order for the patriot Officers of the Armed Forces to not react to this encirclement of “USA” by the Chinese Army, with tens of thousands of Armored Personnel Carriers “APC’s” (for example only in Mexico the reports are about a base 60 miles south of the Texas-Mexico Borders containing about 10.000 APCs. Every APC carries inside 3 drivers-operators and 7 soldiers in the back seats for a total of 100.000 men of Chinese Army ONLY in one Base!)
How it is possible for these Chinese weapons to enter inside Canada and Mexico?
With the criminal collusion of the treasonous Governments of Canada and Mexico because without notifying neither the Canadian, nor the Mexican people, these Governments allowed the Chinese invasion to realize in complete silence and without their Parliament authorization!
Because in order to enter a foreign Army and a foreign Military material in a Country, to encamp there, or to do transit, this requires an authorization from the Parliaments and a special Law from the Parliaments. This is valid for all the Constitutions of All the Countries.
Therefore this concealment of the invasion and without the authorization of the Parliaments and without Laws of the Parliaments of Canada and of Mexico means that these Governments have essentially delivered their Countries to the Chinese Domination and have abolished and betrayed the Canadian national domination and the Mexican National domination. And without speaking and react neither the Government of “USA” this means that they are also ready to betray their Citizens and to deliver the American National Domination to the Chinese National Domination. And if neither the Russian Government react this will also means that they are also ready to deliver the Russian National Domination in the plate – ready – and served - to the Chinese National Domination without asking neither the Lower Duma nor the Upper Duma, and without Laws of encampment and transit of foreign Chinese Troops, for which Laws there is a clear demand in the Russian Constitution and a clear demand in the Canadian and in the Mexican Constitution.
What are you waiting and you Mister President Putin in order to stop the Chinese invasion of the Western Nations?
Because if this invasion is established in all the countries of the West then Russia will be De Facto encircled and will be forced to raise hands and surrender its weapons. Either Russia will STOP NOW this Chinese invasion of the various states or if Russia don’t do that this will mean that AND the President Putin is in collusion – fixed Russian-Hebrew by obeying to the Arch-Rabbi King Baruch of “USA”, and thus this conflict of him with Medvedev will be concluded as only for the “eyes of the world”, artificial, fixed, and not sincere.
Mister Putin do you wish for history to write for you as the Russian leader who delivered the national domination of Russia to China?
Mister Putin do you wish for history to write for you as the Russian leader who didn’t took not one measure to stop this military invasion of China in the various countries?
Mister Putin do you wish for history to write for you as the Russian leader who betrayed the Russian citizens and with his inattention and apathy failed to stop the Chinese invasion to the other countries of the Planet, by finally provoking the genocide of 140.000.000 Russian citizens and 160.000.000 citizens of the “C.I.S.” countries of the former Soviet Union, who trusted their lives to you?
Obama Welcomes Our New Chinese Overlords
O-bow-ma lays out the red carpet: statement: "It would be much easier to be President of China!"

Mister Putin, you finally plan and you to bow and worship the Chinese Overlord with the same way? Namely with the way of the Black Slaves?
Because President Obama by doing this bow, this disgraceful act of slavery, shows that he didn’t abolished the collective complex - trauma of the Black Slaves (Ham) towards the White Masters (Iapheth) and now finally towards the Yellow Masters (Sem – Sin – Sinai - Zion)
Act according to your consciousness.
Expands the chasm of opinions in the Russian Government concerning the Libya Crisis