Sunday, September 1, 2019

G.H.REES/G.HEL.AN (GROUP FOR HELLENIC RE-ESTABLISHMENT/GROUP OF HELLENES FROM ANDROMEDA), to ALL governments of planet earth and their ambassadors at the United Nations:

G.H.REES/G.HEL.AN (GROUP FOR HELLENIC RE-ESTABLISHMENT/GROUP OF HELLENES FROM ANDROMEDA), to ALL governments of planet earth and their ambassadors at the United Nations:

The president of Brazil is JEWISH Zaich (Zacchaeus) Bolsonaru. Brazilian Minister of Education is JEWISH Abraham Vide Raub. Bolsonaru’s ''Guru'' is JEWISH  Olavou (Levi) De Carvalio, US citizen. NASA owner is JEWISH banker Rockfeller.

NASA is burning down the forests, the indigenous tribes of Brazil, (since their traditions go back millions of years to prehistoric times, therefore dispelling the Jewish myth of 7,000 years of humanity descending from ''ADAM'' and ''EVE''), and an infinite number of animal species indigenous to Brazil, through the use of LASER/MASER satellite weapons of the U.S. 

The above planetary crime against ALL humanity is being committed with the full consent of the JEWS of the USA, RUSSIA, and EUROPE.

Between January and August 2019, 88,816 raging wild fires produced by LASER/MASER weapons burned across Brazil. Last Thursday 29/8/19 and Friday 30/8/19, LASER/MASER weapons of JEWISH NASA ignited 4,859 wild fires across Brazil’s tropical forests, 52% of which incinerated Amazon forests. The indigenous A’UA Amazon tribe in the area of Araribua-Mariniau was incinerated. Likewise, the U’RU, E’U, and U’AU tribes were also exterminated.

G.HREES to ALL governments of planet earth:

Immediately expel and deport from your countries the JEWISH CRIMINALS against humanity, Israel JEWS, as well as ''SAXON'' Jews. Exterminate the JEWISH ROCKFELLERS and rest of NASA JEWS.
On behalf of G.H.REES prytaneum, Karageorgiou Yannis, national and planet security General of G.H.REES, 12 Elpidos str. Nea Ionia, Volos, Hellas (Greece). 1/9/19.


Praise lunar draconian Jehova-Allah-''God the Father'' of Christianity, who ordered the criminal JEWS to incinerate the forests and to provoke eruptions of all volcanoes presently dormant on the planet, in order to dismantle and destroy ALL earth nations, so that the CHINESE dictatorship or ''Jehova’s kingdom'' shall be established all across the planet, following the genocide of 5 billion people of ALL nations on the planet in WWIII in 2027.

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