Friday, July 19, 2019

KONX—OONX—PANX-------KONX—OONX—PANX------KONX—OONX—PANX------------------- To ALL white andromedian and Black Sirian races of planet earth: We urge you to urgently transmit the following to the galactic andromedian hierarchy of the constellation of andromeda and the military forces of the 4 outer planets.


To ALL white andromedian and Black Sirian races of planet earth: We urge you to urgently transmit the following to the galactic andromedian hierarchy of the constellation of andromeda and the military forces of the 4 outer planets.

'' We the HELLENES (GREEKS) of the outer surface of planet earth, retaining memory of our andromedian descent as condemned to death hostages of most worst universal criminal SIN-SION-JEHOVA God of white-yellow mongol semi-draconian Jews, ''God the Father'' of Christianity and God of Islam, we urgently appeal to the Andromeda constellation justice of our local galaxy, and to the central justice of the Andromeda galaxy, and to the universal justice of PAN, the intelligent Universal Organism.

We denounce a ''violation of duty to the point of universal crime'' by andromedians and rest of galactic military forces of our local galaxy already present at the 4 outer planets of our solar system. Their orders are to arrest and biologically exterminate the universal criminal SIN-SION-JEHOVA, and to gradually remove SIN-SION’s hybrid flagship spaceship MOON-LEVAN, earth’s artificially terraformed satellite. Along with the removal of the MOON , the rest of its draconian astrofleet is also to be removed from the remaining 7 planets, 8 originally, due to planet Phaethon’s destruction by universal criminal SION-SION-JEHOVA.

We denounce andromedian and remaining local galactic space military forces of the 4 outer planets due to an unprovoked, inexcusable delay to carry out orders of their local galactic staff. As a result of their delay, SIN-SION-JEHOVA, this bloodthirsty, soulthirsty filthy beast, is speeding up the genocide of the white andromedian and Black Sirian races of planet earth by the white-yellow mongol race of Israelite and Saxon Jews, provoking the outbreak of WW4, with WW1 being that of ATLANTIS against HELLAS on planet earth. The ultimate purpose will be the survival of genocidal humanoids of the yellow draconian CHINESE and KOREAN races , both genetically engineered by SIN-SION-JEHOVA supreme draconian leader of the MOON.

Through this war ,lunar criminal SIN-SION-JEHOVA is intending to rob the planet of its natural resources, carried for storage inside the MOON. Along with the souls of 5 billion dead people and those of infinite millions of dead animals and trees during WW4, which draconian crews of a lighter matter rarification will use as a food source, SIN-SION-JEHOVA will depart our solar system to invade that of SIRIUS-A or Hyperion. The solar system of SIRIUS-A constitutes the electromagnetic ''coccyx'' of the heaviest star system of the Universal Organism (U.O), therefore SIN-SION-JEHOVA will be able to blackmail ALL galaxies of the Universe together with the U.O. itself with electromagnetic paralysis and death!!.

Already the out-of-control genocidal galactic monster SIN-SION-JEHOVA is starting to transfer to the MOON prisons billions of dead white andromedian and Black Sirian people’s souls, along with the souls of an infinite number of millions of dead animals and trees, through local wars between white and black races, provoked by Jews and Saxon mongols, through spreading artificial diseases, starvation, an artificial shortage of food and water supplies, meteorological warfare and other criminal methods of a human-animal-tree genocide of our planet.

Aside from such horrendous serial planetary crimes, SIN-SION-JEHOVA , this disgusting abomination, has ordered its demons of a lighter density to take over the bodies of people of the white and Black races, causing them severe mental and psychological conditions in order to disrupt and break up their societies into isolated , introverted schizophrenic beings, incapable of collective defence mechanisms and survival.

SIN-SION-JEHOVA is doing this to facilitate the genocide of the white andromedian and Black Sirian races by its own genetically engineered yellow race (CHINESE).
To aggravate the mental and psychological torment of these ill peoples of the white and Black race, the devil SIN-SION-JEHOVA has ordered the white-yellow mongol criminals, Jews and Saxons, to produce chemical medicines which confuse, cripple and  incapacitate their minds and souls.

If the andromedians and other galactic military forces at the 4 outer planets fail to intervene immediately to exterminate criminal SIN-SION-JEHOVA, its yellow CHINESE race and its white-yellow mongol Jews and Saxon criminal agents, then this space criminal will genocide 2/3s of the people, animals, trees and marine life of our planet. If this happens, the andromedian military units at the 4 outer planets will be liable, along with SIN-SION-JEHOVA, for such a genocide of ALL beings of planet earth, let alone responsible for the crime of killing the entire U.O. by universal cancer SIN-SION-JEHOVA.

The souls of the so far murdered by JEHOVA people , animals and trees, demand JEHOVA’S death and the scattering of its filthy cancerous soul in subatomic particles in space.

End of this legal denunciation and legal demands toward the Universal galactic hierarchy.

My name is……………and I transmit this message of denunciation and legal demands vocally and electromagnetically from……….(area name) in Greece (or elsewhere).''


Above denunciation and legal demands to the Universal hierarchy was compiled by the G.H.REES (Group of Hellenic Re-establishment) prytaneum.

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