Friday, November 9, 2018

G.H.REES to the recipients of the text titled: '' the leaders of planet earth''. Subject: Reception of the above message of the Andromedian inspectors of 4th (6th) dimension matter rarification, at the four outer planets. The above message was transmitted via superfast neutrinos, up to the maximum capacity of the neutrino message reception equipment at G.H.REES department of technology at Patras, Hellas. An artificial slowdown of emission neutrinos was required, through signal-free neutrino transmitters at G.H.REES Patras.

G.H.REES to the recipients of the text titled: '' the leaders of planet earth''.
Subject: Reception of the above message of the Andromedian inspectors of 4th (6th) dimension matter rarification, at the four outer planets. The above message was transmitted via superfast neutrinos, up to the maximum capacity of the neutrino message reception equipment at G.H.REES department of technology at Patras, Hellas. An artificial slowdown of emission neutrinos was required, through signal-free neutrino transmitters at G.H.REES Patras.

The huge intensity of the andromedian emission signal denotes the origin of the signal in andromedian craft in the close vicinity of planet earth, in violation of the dead zone limit of planets Mars and Jupiter, between the rival andromedian and draconian astrofleets at the seven inner planets (planet Phaethon being the 8th or asteroid zone). This planet was criminally blown up by the draconians into ''asteroid'' fragments by order of Sin-Sion-Sina-Jehova-Sedi-Jedi, for the easier and faster exploitation of its titanium reserves , according to the Maya chronicles and archives.

The 4th (6th) dimension andromedian spaceships near earth are visible through ultraviolet telescopes   as spectral semi-transparent luminous spheres. NASA was panick-stricken, now owned by jewish banker Rockfeller, who ordered the deactivation of HUBBLE telescope , as well as its other affiliated observatories and NASA satellite sensors, under false pretences.

We advise the President of the USA to restore NASA ownership to the federal state for reasons of US national security.

G.HREES are in the dark about whether the invasion of 4th(6th) dimension andromedian craft in the vicinity of orbits of the 7 inner planets under draconian occupation is a sign of invasion of the andromedian fleet against the draconian astrofleet, or serves other purposes.

On behalf of G.H.REES Prytaneum , Karageorgiou Giannis , G.H.REES representative

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