Saturday, April 3, 2021

Top urgent signal of Greek national security, NATO security, and security of all Mediterranean countries, from the military leg of G.H.REES (GROUP FOR HELLENIC RE-ESTABLISHMENT) Greece to : The Greek Ministry of Defence, Army, Navy, and Greek Air Force, JNSA-USA, D.I.A-USA, the Israeli embassy in Athens, US President Mr. D. Trump via D.I.A, U.S minister of foreign affairs Mr. Pompeo via D.I.A, and U.S Pentagon staff via D.I.A.


Top urgent signal of Greek national security, NATO security, and security of all Mediterranean countries, from the military leg of G.H.REES (GROUP FOR HELLENIC RE-ESTABLISHMENT) Greece to : The Greek Ministry of Defence, Army, Navy, and Greek Air Force, JNSA-USA, D.I.A-USA, the Israeli embassy in Athens, US President Mr. D. Trump via D.I.A, U.S minister of foreign affairs Mr. Pompeo via D.I.A, and U.S Pentagon staff via D.I.A.

To be forwarded to all foreign embassies in Athens.


Fact 1: The American Jewish lobbies are forcing and blackmailing the Greek Ministry of Defence staff along with freemason, that is false Jew, Greek Minister of Defence to purchase the operationally and mechanically useless coastal MMSC frigates , rather than the much better and superior French BELHARA frigates lots more suitable for covering local airspace, with a simultaneous defence , military contribution and assistance of France to Greece. The traitorous objective is to block France from providing military assistance to Greece, so that Greece will be defeated in a war with Turkey , when Turkey launches an attack against Greece to invade and occupy the Greek islands of the eastern Aegean, island of Castelloriso,  Crete, and the whole of Cyprus.

A prologue to treason by Greek freemasons, that is false Jews, Greek Ministry of Defence staff is the Greek Ministry of Defence staff request ,L.O.R, to the USA for the purchase of useless MMSC frigates by Greece.

Fact 2: The Jewish lobbies have announced they stand in favour of both Greece and Cyprus. G.HREES Greece to the Jewish lobbies of Washington, Moscow, Brussels and Jewish Merkel’s Berlin: STOP THE DOUBLE-DEALING with Greece , because if you carry on with this dishonest policy against Greece and in Turkey’s favour, you will suffer the consequences of the GREEK SPECIAL FORCES ATTACKING YOUR EMBASSIES, FOR THEIR IMMEDIATE ARREST AND DEPORTATION FROM GREECE.

G.H.REES Greece to the Greek Pentagon (Ministry of Defence):

STOP BETRAYING GREECE because the Greek special forces are on the brink of FIRING AT THEIR RADIOS, and ATTACKING THE GREEK PENTAGON , to throw you all out windows to be eaten by stray dogs of the Papagou area.

On behalf of the G.H.REES military leg, Karageorgiou Yannis, G.H.REES GREECE national security General, Volos, Greece (Hellas). 2/4/21.

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