Thursday, April 22, 2021

Urgent signal of US and planet security, from G.H.REES (GROUP FOR HELLENIC RE-ESTABLISHMENT) headquarters Greece, to D.I.A-USA, Pentagon staff, and US President D.Trump. To be forwarded to all world governments via their embassies in Athens, Greece:


Urgent signal of US and planet security, from G.H.REES (GROUP FOR HELLENIC RE-ESTABLISHMENT) headquarters Greece, to D.I.A-USA, Pentagon staff, and US President D.Trump.

To be forwarded to all world governments via their embassies in Athens, Greece:

Mr President of the USA, US Armed Forces staff , we are being informed that the United States Strategic Command (STRATCOM) made an announcement that: there is chance of nuclear warfare being used in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, as well as in the Russia-NATO conflict, on account of the above conflict!!!.

It is likely that this announcement was ordered by China’s agent, US security traitor Lloyd Austin, who has publicly stated that ''he is working towards the abolishment  of the US armed forces and their replacement by the armed forces of China!!!''.

Following Austin’s order to STRATCOM, to announce the possible use of nuclear warfare by NATO against Russia and in favour of the Ukraine, you now know how the US armed forces will be dismantled, ordered by China to its own agent, Lloyd Austin, US minister of Defence!!!: A NUCLEAR ATTACK OF RUSSIA AGAINST THE USA, with a mutual destruction of both Russia and the USA along with their respective armed forces , leaving CHINA AND ITS CNINESE ARMIES as the sole survivors for the establishment of the CHINESE PLANETARY DICTATORSHIP OR ‘’KINGDOM OF JEHOVA’’ SIN-SION(ZION)-SINA(CHINA)-JEHOVA.

For the reasons above we call upon you to arrest and immediately execute US TRAITOR LLOYD AUSTIN AND CHINA’S AGENT TRAITOR BIDEN AND REST OF BIDEN’S MINISTERS, on charges of ''TREASON AGAINST THE USA'', since in the case that you do not take the above proposed action , you are literally FINISHED, DEAD in the nuclear war between Russia and the USA, along with your citizens and the US and Russian armed forces , with CHINA 888 AND KOREA 777 as the only survivors together with the armies of CHINA , TAIWAN AND NORTH AND SOUTH KOREA.

Make an agreement with RUSSIA’ S FSB to assign command of the NSA (NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY OF AMERICA) to G.HREES’S GREECE representative, Karageorgiou Yannis, G.H.REES representative, non-operational national and planet security General*****, before Russia and the US are turned into nuclear warfare wastelands in CHINA’S FAVOUR, through pseudo-Democrat Biden’s  scheming  of the CABAL and his pro-China traitorous gang.

Nothing further.

On behalf of G.H.REES headquarters, Karageorgiou Yannis, G.H.REES GREECE representative, Volos-Iolcos, Greece(Hellas) ,20/4/21



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