Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Top urgent message from the G.HREES (Group for Hellenic Re-establishment) military leg to all military attaches, and ambassadors of foreign embassies in Athens, Greece, to be forwarded to their respective military staff as well as their governments:


Top urgent message from the G.HREES (Group for Hellenic Re-establishment) military leg to all military attaches, and ambassadors of foreign embassies in Athens, Greece, to be forwarded to their respective military staff as well as their governments:


We forward to you the following links:

1)Jewish doctor Zelenko speaks out at Israel’s chief Rabbi court hearing


2)The order issued by the chief Rabbi court hearing in New York to all Jews, banning the use of vaccines in Jews.

3)China  Communist Party’s  leaks to the public that ‘’ we are lying in wait for the mRNA DNA-altering vaccinations of all    U.S armed forces (and rest of NATO), so that the Chinese communist party is rendered victorious (in WWIII of the Chinese army against that of NATO in 2028)

You must then decide now whether you put a stop to the vaccination of your innocent civilians and armed forces through mRNA vaccines that will turn them into insane, mutated zombies incapable of defending themselves and their countries in a war against the Chinese army, or get prepared to witness your people be massacred by China’s armies in WWIII in 2028!!

Mongul Putin’s recent statement: “ war (WWIII) is inevitable”.

G.H.REES , via their representative Karageorgiou Yannis, G.H.REES national security General, Volos-Iolcos, Greece (Hellas).


The above email is to be translated into as many languages as possible and to be forwarded to all military and police officers of their countries.

Fundamental strategy: The only ones capable of counterattacking and putting up a fight against the demise of the West by China are those with a sharp mind and armed hands, against the corrupt politicians of their countries.

G.HREES, Greece.

G.HREES representative , Karageorgiou Yannis, G.HREES national security General , 12 Elpidos str. Nea Ionia, Volos, Greece (Hellas).

P.S (2):

Officers and men of the armed forces , secret services and the police of all nations , the only solutions to the slaughtering of your armed forces, secret services , police officers and innocent unarmed civilians by the Chinese army in WWIII in 2028 are : 1) To urgently put a ban on the use of mRNA/covid-19 DNA- altering vaccines forced upon your people, and to overthrow the corrupt freemason politicians of your governments , who take their orders directly from China’s communist party, via orders to the ''Grand Masonic Lodge'' of England,

2)To urgently order production of foodstuffs and energy, so as to avoid the genocide of your people through hunger.

3)To urgently order the cessation of all regional wars

4) To urgently order the cessation of WWIII outbreak in 2028, aimed at the genocide of all nations , including Russia, by the unified armies of the pure yellow race of CHINA888 and KOREA777.

G.H.REES Representative, Karageorgiou Yannis, 29/11/21, Athens, Volos, Greece (Hellas).

P.S (4):

The ''Grand Lodge of England'', or '' AOA 666/ORDO ADEPTIS ATLANTIS 666+ OTO 666/ORDO TEMPLIS OCCIDENTIS 666'', orders all world governments , by order of Chinese Lodge ''HONG 888'' at Shanghai via HONG KONG.

Karageorgiou Yannis, G.H.REES (Group For Hellenic Re-establishment)

Sunday, November 21, 2021

G.H.REES (Group for Hellenic Re-establishment) to all Greek Ministers, foreign embassies based in Athens, Greece, all foreign military attaches in embassies in Athens, all U.N. member state reperesentatives , the Greek military headquarters , Greek Police headquarters, and to the Greek secret intelligence services: Chinese Hong Kong and Israel respectively have announced the beginning of deadly Pfizer vaccinations to 2-11 yr-olds, and 3-11 yr-olds.


G.H.REES (Group for Hellenic Re-establishment) to all Greek Ministers, foreign embassies based in Athens, Greece, all foreign military attaches in embassies in Athens, all U.N. member state reperesentatives , the Greek military headquarters , Greek Police headquarters, and to the Greek secret intelligence services: Chinese Hong Kong and Israel respectively have announced the beginning of deadly Pfizer vaccinations to 2-11 yr-olds, and 3-11 yr-olds.

We suspect (we are almost certain) that this is a fake, devious announcement by the governments of both Israel and China aimed at pressuring American, European and Japanese parents of the U.S-E.-J axis (USA, Europe, Japan), to vaccinate their underaged children, so as to cause them to perish through already proven adverse effects such as thrombosis, and heart failure, after they have turned into zombies, because:

1)According to a leaked secret convention of the Chinese Communist Party, , it publicly stated it is standing by till the entire US and NATO armies get the jab, so the Communist Party of China may be victorious (the attacking Chinese army against the armies of U.E.J, (USA-EUROPE-JAPAN) in WWIII of 2028). Therefore, it is fake news that the Chinese are bound to murder their children by getting them vaccinated with the deadly covid-19 jabs.

2)Following the statements made by renowned Jewish doctor Zelenko before the court of the Israeli chief-Rabbis pertaining to the deadly adverse effects brought about by the covid-19 jabs, this Israeli court informed the Jewish court in New York, which subsequently ordered a ban of the above vaccines on all Jewish children the world over.. Thus, it is fake news that the government of Israel is planning to vaccinate Israeli kids with the above vaccine. Therefore, the above two fake announcements by China and Israel are primarily aimed at deceiving all world governments , especially the Ministries of Defence, Law enforcement, and Health of all other nations, so that these institutions may carry on with the vaccinations of their own Armed Forces personnel and their children without any fear of any adverse effects.  The result of this will be a mass genocide of the Armed Forces personnel of the U.S-E.J trilateral along with their children , so that every household of the U.S-E.J axis will have at least one casualty , and so that the Chinese army and China’s Communist Party ''are victorious in WWIII of 2028'', invading and butchering innocent populations of U.S-E.J.

The above two fake announcements by the governments of China and Israel were made amidst their panic of the deadly mRNA vaccinations of U.S-E.J populations and other countries coming to a halt, on account of the late violent riots breaking out in Holland and Austria against deadly mRNA covid-19 jabs. This ''Health Dictatorship'' is the works of the governments of Holland and Austria made up of freemasons that take their orders from the ''Grand Lodge of England'' of ''AOA'' (Ordo Adeptis Atlantis), and ''Ordo Astrum Argentinum'', that is , the draconian crews of the ''MOON'' and Lilith, the two draconian invaders originating in the constellation of DRACO (A’DRACONIS). These draconian invaders have programmed WWIII of 2028, aiming at the complete genocide of the white Andromedian and black Sirian races, whilst allowing only the yellow Draconian race of China 888 and Korea 777 to survive on planet Earth. To achieve this, they will use Monguls (white-yellow Jews and Saxons)as intermediary murderers of the white and black races, but they will also exterminate freemasons, Jews and Saxons in the 2nd phase of WWIII, as racially impure by-products of the white and yellow race crossbreeds.

G.HREES via their representative, Karageorgiou Yannis, National and Planet security General of G.HREES., Volos-Iolcos, Greece (Hellas).

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Humans of Earth Part 1


ith everything that has been going on lately, we decided to reach out to someone who has been researching behind the curtain of what all of us have been witnessing. The information we received is nothing less of breathtaking. Reader discretion is advised and please perform your own research before you accept or reject anything.

A Journey of Discovery

Several decades ago, I discovered several books that spoke about the true origins of humanity. It was an uplifting piece of literature that made extraordinary claims about our D.N.A., about our role on planet Earth, and other – hard to believe – theories. I was curious. I sought out more books from the same author, which said the same things in different words. My curiosity pulled me into a journey, and I had no idea where it would lead. One thing was indisputable: I was eager but not ready.

The Power Structure

I had an idea or two about the masonic structure and the higher elites. Believe it or not, the teachers at school warned us about it. So, many in my area grew up with a decent understanding of it. However, very few tried to learn more, which is a pity. The Masonic lodges mainly known today are nothing more than the second step in the grand pyramid structure. The Rotary Club is like a preschool to Free Masonry, and Free Masonry is the prep for the actual Masonry. The latter is where the “good deals” are made and turn their loyalists rich out of nowhere. It may not come as a surprise that this low level of cultish authority branches out at higher ranks. I choose the word “cultish” intentionally. Actual Masonry is all about the inversion of mainstream religion, where its 10+ rank disciples worship Satan as “God.” It is common practice.

I still have not begun to tickle the surface, let alone scratch it. When I learned of this from dissidents and survivors of this cult – people who had their lives destroyed by the cultists (Cancel Culture anyone?), I thought I hit the jackpot. I was wrong.

The structure of Masonry is straightforward. However, it goes far beyond what most believe to be “Free Masonry.” Besides the “mainstream” lodges, there are the S.P.E. (Special Purpose Entity) ones. Those are either political or simply a different level of the occult. No matter how important the members of those lodges appear, they are of low rank.

As one “ascends” Masonry toward the higher power levels, it splits into two highways:

The Philosophic (symbolisms of + or D) includes the corporate, banking, and government structure.

The Theosophic (symbolisms of  or Ñ) focuses on the spiritual path and claims dominance over the religion’s high ranks.

Image Credit:

Please note that I am not speaking about degrees, which happen to be 33 visible ones for the average lodge. I am talking about “exiting” the realm of the… clubs and entering the dominion of the hyper-lodges.

To the eyes of the informed world, the + and the  appear hostile to one another. Behind closed doors, they are anything but enemies, hence their ± symbolism. Skulls and Bones, Illuminati – they ring fear to a lot of people, as they should. However, no, they are not the supreme power, and they never were. They are third in rank, and there is no way up for them. It is how the power structure has been set up for a while now. If any of you reading this belongs to those cults, my words are not my fault. They are a status quo. However, rest assured, it will not last for long, and the end of the cultists will not be a glorious one.

How did I get all this information? Initially, I stumbled on it. At the time, my curiosity took me on a journey where I would consume enormous amounts of data. My goal was the bigger picture, not the petty squabbles of the power-hungry. After talking to people of various backgrounds (historians, archaeologists, researchers, spiritual leaders, security, and military), I had to restructure much of what I had learned. Remember the books that put me on this journey? It turned out they were disorientation propaganda—all of them. When I did my due diligence on the author, I discovered that he was mentally incapacitated and acted only as a front. There was a ghostwriter behind those shady publications.

Another helpful element was whistleblowers and survivors of such cults. A few of them had the guts to go out and inform those who would listen. Many of them, however, suffered dire consequences. You see, cults follow a specific approach, much similar to the Cancel Culture of today. The first introductions happen via fraternities. Their Greek namings are simply a hybris to an ancient civilization. Throughout history, the predecessors of such fraternities and despots sought to destroy ancient Greece, not spread its knowledge and message. If these occultists were representing that spirit, their knowledge would not be clandestine.

In the beginning, it was the Priest Orders. Then it was the Templars. Now it’s the Masons. All of them had (and have) a process for dealing with “dissidents.” Anyone who knew their secrets and leave; they would be terminated. Economically, socially, and – at times – physically. Does that sound like Cancel Culture to you? Good. Now you know its origins.

After speaking to many people, visiting places, attending meetings, researching ancient scripture and handwritten reports, I started to see things differently. The first thing I noticed was the ideological subversion of my country. It was nothing like the U.S. My area has been through wars and genocides for over 2.5 millennia. So, ours was less refined. Communism was breathing down our necks for more than a century, and it nearly tore my country apart. So, yes, there was a lot of data to discover. Americans who support socialism and communism today are lost causes, I’m afraid. Their persistence in ignorance will not be a disaster; it will be an Apocalypse they will never recover from.

During the era of Ronald Regan, the western world adored the U.S. Then, the Deep State started to turn more visible and became the ambassador for the American people. As a foreigner, I have to say this: you do not want such an ambassador. The things the Clinton family has done to the part of the world I grew up in are monstrous. Every person with self-respect and dignity loathes that family and everyone who works with them.

Thankfully, Hillary did not become President in 2016. If she did, we would be plunging into World War III. When Donald Trump won the White House, I was thankful the Clintons were out. I knew little about what was going on in the U.S., other than what the media said. Thankfully, I threw the T.V. out a very long time ago. When I saw the warning signs in America, I tried to warn people to be careful and not repeat the mistakes from my part of the world. I suppose I thought Americans were eager to learn about other parts of the globe and what had happened there. Unfortunately, the people I tried to warn were Liberals with (as I learned later) a Trump Derangement Syndrome. Their vicious attacks made my perception of America collapse like a deck of cards.

I was called various names, including being a “QAnon Satanist” (!). My first thought was, “what on Earth is a QAnon?” I finally learned what it all means. It was the Summer of 2020. And if I may address my name-callers, who happen to be woefully ignorant, there is Q, and there are Anons (from Anonymous). I was always an adaptive and patient person. However, I have little tolerance for stupidity and none for corruption. I was never a follower of anything or anyone, but I had to decide quickly. Repair the bridges with the Liberals or help those who wanted to save America. I blew up those bridges with no second thought, and I have zero regrets. I’m too old to deal with amoebas, and I know what they did to my country.

Two Sides of the Same Coin

Soon after, the election fraud came. I did not go to bed on the night of November 3rd of 2020, and saw the discrepancies in real-time. It all soon became apparent. The Democratic party, the Big Tech, and the Elite follow the Philosophic Masonry path. Products of that creed, such as censorship, fear campaigns, and totalitarianism, are factors every person with common sense would stand up against. However, throughout the ages, there was always a “fixed” adversary. The dualism of “good versus evil.” On stage, Philosophic Masonry constantly battled the Theosophic one. So, where were the Theosophists? Where are those who align themselves with all organized religions on the planet?

I took a deep dive to research the details of everything going on in the U.S. And voila! Tons of religious references on texts which were malformed and adjusted from their original versions. Mind you; I had access to many of the writings that compose today’s Bible, as close to the originals as possible. If you put them all together, you build five Bibles, not one. What circulates in the western world is a “censored and adjusted” version of the original. However, I have no desire to delve into it. I gave up the effort a long time ago when I realized people are happy with being slaves than looking into what they indeed are. Unfortunately, our planet has developed a massive Stockholm Syndrome, which I will have to address further down.

Either you like it or not, Theosophic Masonry controls the highest ranks of all religions and cults, including Satanism. That is a fact, and feel free to research it. The God of faith is no adversary to Satan; he is the commander, and Satan is the tool. Don’t take my word for it. Look it up in the book of Iov (ΙΩΒ) in the Old Testament (I will put some verses from the original language from the texts of Mount Athos). The Devil is nothing more than a boogieman who plays a staged role. And all of this is orchestrated by the Theosophic Masonry.

The entire Divide and Conquer scheme is nothing more than a script between the two Masonic branches. And the reason is that the overseer lodge is a unified Command Center: The Supreme Lodge of Hong, in Shanghai, China. Yes, China.

This level of coordination between the two Masonic branches has me question the true and long-term goal of “The Plan.” With everything I have witnessed throughout my life, I have good reasons to be suspicious of everything. However, I agree with the notion that this war has been ongoing for thousands of years.

The Origins of our Suffering

The answers are in our history, especially the ancient and beyond. When I speak of ancient history, I mean both mainstream and the “deleted” because it inconvenienced the ruling elites of the time. Does the deletion of history sound familiar? Good. Our ancients had ancients, and some of their information survived. Due to the location, I grew up in and some – however, limited – experience in ancient languages and symbolism, I could access some valuable pieces. The learning process was slow, painful, but in the end, it was an eye-opener. I reached as close to the source material as I possibly could. Yes, if anyone wonders, I discovered deliberate “errors” in translated versions of the material I researched. They were carefully picked words that would deviate significant meanings and distort the actual information entirely.

Our mainstream “ancient time” begins the 4th millennia B.C.E. (Before Common Era) or B.C. for others. In history, the 4th millennia B.C.E. means the years 3,999 – 3,000 BCE. It is a reverse numbering process that may confuse a few. Genesis speaks about the creation of the Earth in 4,000 BC, which most definitely is not a coincidence. As you can understand, I’m afraid I must disagree with a 6,000-year-old planet. It is scientifically impossible, and many ancient civilizations said that the only way to understand the divine is via your mind, your reason. At first, there was no “Word of God,” and I am sorry to offend devout believers, but we ought it to ourselves to respect history. The phrase used in Genesis originates from the ancient Greek phrase “En arhe, en o Logos.” Its translation is not “In the beginning; there was The Word.” Logos is the root of logic. Therefore, the understanding of the divine is through reason and logic. That is what the phrase says. Logos can become “Word” only via a verbal precedent. That verb is “ekfrazo” (express/extract/construct). Therefore, “Ekfrazo Logo” means “I speak” and therefore becomes the medium to form one “Word” or words. Logos itself does not mean “Word,” not by a long shot. Sorry.

At this point, some of you may ask: “Is there a God?” The answer is yes; however, not in the way that the Theosophic Masonry projects to you. I will not enter the root etymology of the word “God” and its origins but rest assured, there is one. Your prayers are heard, but some of them are intercepted by someone you’d rather not know. However, I will describe further down who that is. At this point, I will quote an old political figure I despise: “The best way to control a rebellion is to lead it,” Joseph Stalin. He did not invent that quote, but it happens in many aspects of our lives, including organized religion. Remember the boogieman Satan I mentioned above? How many of you know that the word Satan originated from Setanu, an adopted naming of the Egyptian God of Darkness, Set/Seth? For those who have an idea, now you understand the reasoning behind the dark Temple of Set. The Hebrew leaders invented Satan to keep their unrest people in check after they departed Egypt.

Below you will see the original texts and explanations as to how God utilized Satan as a tool (credit Davlos Historical Research magazine, Issue 146, February 1994). You can see further references – in English – here.

The 4th millennia B.C.E. was the end of the Copper Age of humanity and the entry to the Iron Age. No, this has nothing to do with metals. It has everything to do with the level of society. The only people who registered those events are the scholars of the civilizations that existed in those times. Specifically, the most recent violent transition occurred around 3,615 BCE, which happens to be the “beginning” of mainstream antiquity. Beyond that era, everything seems to fade into oblivion, which benefits Elites and bloodlines for a good reason. Even the famous Chinese dynasties dare not claim a more extended history because they fear that “dangerous” data regarding the human past will come out. It is why the C.C.P. ousted German Archaeologists and buried their findings of an ancient city at the beginning of the 21st century.

Obscure Clues and Information

Before we continue any further, I must clear out the etymology of a keyword. That word is “myth.” Myth does not translate to fairytale or fable.” Para-myth (diversion from the myth) does. The term “Myth” originates from “Mitos” (μίτος/μύθος/mythos), which means “thread.” The story of the “Ariadne’s Mitos” (Ο μίτος της Αριάδνης) was the thread that led Theseus out of the Minotaur’s maze. Therefore, mythology/mitology (μυθολογία/μιτολογία) stands for “the literature of the guiding thread.” Its encoded approach was like the military communication cipher between the ancient Greek colonies and the mainland. During that time, paintings on amphorae would depict enemy horde movements, which pirates and enemies always ignored when raided merchant ships. As you see, mythology was essentially encrypted information and encoded history.

With the expansion of the Pantheon Priest Orders, many feared for their lives. Therefore, instead of passing on history, events, and information in the literal sense, scholars chose to implement mitology in their writings. Others would outright underline their scriptures with “what I will write is a lie.” Loukianos (Lucian of Samothrace) is a prime example of that. Why would they do that? They were afraid for their lives and that their work would be destroyed. The Great Library of Alexandria and the Great Library of Pergamos suffered catastrophic fires three times. Organized religion fanatics went as far as to name Pergamos “The Lair of the Devil” because that library exposed the deception of the rising organized religion.

Now that we established the definition of mythology, it makes one curious, doesn’t it? It is no longer a fable for children or grown-ups. It contains elements of history, written in a way that most could understand but deciphered by few. Let’s play a game, shall we? Imagine you traveled back in time and showed your cell phone to a villager in the 15th century. That display would secure you a place at the stake for witchcraft. Sir Arthur C. Clarke said that “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” If you used the phrase “God speaks to me through the glass of this metal tablet and shows me the world,” your chances of becoming barbecue would be less. However, if you said you bear a divine tablet of light without showing anything further, you’d probably be revered as a prophet. Sad, but true. Now you get the idea of the reasoning behind the mythology.

Another example is Homer (the ancient, not Simpson) and his work in the Iliad. The “Chariots of the Gods” used to lift torrents of dust before they would take off. Sound familiar? It was his way of describing flying objects, though I am uncertain per the type of engine those vessels used. There were no flames in Homer’s descriptions; therefore, a chemical reaction is out of the question.

On a similar note, imagine you arrive at a time where people completely lack education, identical to cave dwellers. How would you describe to them the President of the United States? Perhaps you would say, “he is a man who orders vast armies and bears great powers that can shatter the Earth” (meaning bunker-buster bombs or nuclear weapons). The cavemen would automatically think that the person you describe is a God. Believe it or not, this is how the Pantheons of the ancient civilizations came to be. After the great catastrophes, descriptions of influential people became points of reverence. The word power changed its meaning from issuing executive orders to throwing lightning bolts from one’s hands. Such is the effect of the absence of education.

Today, some claim that there were no twelve Gods but thirteen. It is something we see in Krishna or Jesus, among others. One leader, twelve disciples. This formula was based on the pre-ancient structure of the High Council that ruled the Golden and the Silver Age of humanity. Thirteen total members, twelve in a circular/spherical system, and a president/leader. All of them were mortals – who were later mistaken for Gods. Have you noticed that the European Union still uses the same tactic of the cycling president-state? Or even that they still use the 12 stars on their flag? The E.U. itself is not a devout government structure; therefore, this reference does not reflect religious beliefs. It reflects the design of an older era. And as always, the Elites tailor history to fit their agenda. However, what is noteworthy is that there were 27 more members to that council, known as “Peripheral Members.” In the Pantheon ages, we encounter them as “the lesser deities.” The ruling council was, therefore, a 13+27=40 member one.

Let’s focus on the number 27 for a moment, as its importance is equally significant. If we mirror it, like the Masonic cults tend to do, we get 72. Think of Luke 10, where Jesus mentions that 72 members (or some form of disciples) will pave the way for him. Additionally, it was 72 Rabbis who translated their holy scriptures from Aramaic to ancient Greek. The highest and most obscure Masonic Lodges comprise 72 members per chamber (72 Philosophic + 72 Theosophic). It gives us the number 144. John’s Revelation speaks of the “Chosen 144,000 that will survive the Apocalypse.” Is this a coincidence? No, it is not. Today’s bible attempts to answer this number, which – in reality – is anything but true.

By this stage, I bashed organized religion. I even said that God is real, but nothing is what religious texts suggest. Now it is time to move to the next step, which will explain the origin and nature of the spiritual God.

Throughout the millennia, enemies of humanity have gone to great lengths to obscure or destroy references and proof of our identity. What we see today with the rewriting of history has been ongoing for a long time. Therefore, at some point, I must enter a realm of information where I do not hold tangible proof in my hands. If I had, I wouldn’t be alive today. What I do have is numerous indications. So, I shall leave everything up to your critical thinking and judgment. We are all free beings, after all. At least we are supposed to be.

Before we go into the depths, we need a transition for easier understanding.

"The vitory of Dionysus in India," 7,500BCE. Ivory compass in the Metropolitan Museum of New York.

Rising beyond Earth

For starters, think of the tribe of the Dogon of Mali, Africa. I believe a documentary was recently filmed about them. It accurately portrayed that these people have tremendous knowledge about our galaxy without owning a single telescope. They claim that this information was given to them by visitors who did not belong on our planet. From there on, the explanations the documentary attempts to offer per these visitors are simply misleading, if not outright false.

The second phase of this transition comes from the initial statement from a U.S. General named Martin (last name). I do not remember his first name, as the announcement took place in 2002-2003. More specifically, a journalist asked him why the military was sending troops to Mars. His response was, “many believe that there are no threats from space, but we know that this is not the case.” In short, what was the General expecting? I attempted to find his statement online, but I had no luck.

The third phase is a more recent hearing with Senator Blumenthal that took place in 2019 (video below). During that hearing, the Senator said that the American people have no idea of the immensity of threat from space. It is worthwhile to notice the fear featured in the faces of those involved, especially the Senator. Yes, there is an immense threat from space, but for who?

Hint: welcome to prison-planet Earth, a world that was once free.

CSN Comment: In the next part (2), we will publish the testimony on the state of our solar system as well as what our future may hold.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

We are finding out that by order of the state of Israel, anyone not taking the third dose of the vaccine is deemed unvaccinated!. This means that 100 percent of Israeli citizens have been condemned to death by the the treasonous government of Israel. It is therefore, more than obvious that Dublin University professor Dolores Cahil’s warnings are taking effect, meaning that anyone vaccinated with Pfizer covid-19 jabs will die within a year.

          From G.HREES (Group for Hellenic Re-establishment) representative Karageorgiou Yannis, to all Jewish leaders within and outside Greece, especially to the chief Rabbis that area aware that the state of Israel along with its citizens have been betrayed and deceived by the Israeli government, pertaining to covid-19 vaccines. We are finding out that by order of the state of Israel, anyone not taking the third dose of the vaccine is deemed unvaccinated!. This means that 100 percent of Israeli citizens have been condemned to death by the the treasonous government of Israel. It is therefore, more than obvious that Dublin University professor Dolores Cahil’s warnings are taking effect, meaning that anyone vaccinated with Pfizer covid-19 jabs will die within a year.

Already, there is a soaring death rate in Greece which the Greek government, led by Greek and Jewish traitor prime minister Mitsotakis Ben-Shalom Moatzo, is skillfully trying to conceal. Alongside Prime Minister Mitsotakis, there is Turkish minister Hardalias, and other virologists whose names are known to the Greeks , given that the medical specialization of infectious disease specialist  is non-existent . The two main specialization that do exist are that of microbiologist or virologist, extending to two other specializations of immunology and virus infections, that is with a specialization in viruses.

Dolores Cahili of the Univeristy of Dublin did prove that whoever got the covid-19 vaccine will die within a year , since all animals injected with this DNA altering vaccine died, are already dead. That also proves a huge set-up of the government of CHINA against the Jews. Apart from Askenazi Jews, who are actually Jewish-converted Greeks, remaining Jews that belong to other Jewish races will be annihilated by CHINA according to statements and declarations made by Chinese officials who stated that “ The West and the state of Israel have both been defeated in this biowarfare by CHINA”. Thus it was all biowarfare right from the start.

We call upon the chief-Rabbis and Israel’s officials in Greece and worldwide to take serious notice, since if these corona virus vaccinations continue , they will all die. Askenazi Jews as Greek descendants in Asia Minor, while other Jewish races will die as pure Mongols, because Chinese emperors, who built the Great Wall of China to protect themselves from the Mongol invaders, will consider them their enemies. Thus, all Jews regardless of jewish race, along with the white races of the West that were jabbed are going to die.

We point out that during this biowarfare waged by China against the West, the West got defeated, according to statements made by Chinese officials and ministers. Sadly Israel belongs to the West both geostrategically and geopolitically , along with its citizens, be it Askenazi or other, all of whom reside in the state of Israel.

We must again repeat G.H.REES’S calls to the Rabbis in Greece and elsewhere, to immediately put a stop to the mandated vaccinations of Jews worldwide, since there will be no one left alive , should Jews and Israelites carry on with the vaccinations of Pfizer and the other three pharmaceuticals. It is said that only two of these four vaccine pharmaceuticals contain the living virus , while the other two just cause thrombosis to the vaccinated.

In any case, all vaccinated citizens of Israel will die either of thrombosis, or the living virus embedded in the two vaccines of Pfizer and another one.

We also point out the great Greek doctor  Dr. Dimitris Andoniou’s statement , who by the way is not officially recognized by the Greek medical regime, a London Imperial College graduate, that the vaccines distributed amongst members of the public against the corona virus have had their DNA tampered with , in microbiology labs at WUHAN CHINA, and also at Winnipeg Canada, according to G.HREES research findings. The link between the two labs was Chinese military biologist, Mrs. Kiao. Her name goes to show that sadly Chinese Jews betrayed the Jews, since Mrs Kiao is a member of the Chinese-Jewish minority of TIAO-KIU-KIAO.

Karageorgiou Yannis, G.HREES representative







Monday, July 12, 2021

To D.I.A-USA, from Karageorgiu Yannis, G.HREES representative (Group for Hellenic Re-establishment): Sirs, We have defended and supported President Trump and US interests against China more than anyone on the planet. It is disgraceful that you should allow G.HREES representative to remain in prison. Well let him stay in prison then but at least take action to save 100,000,000 Americans and 3,000,000 Greeks from the deadly covid-19 vaccines they have been jabbed with.


To D.I.A-USA, from Karageorgiu Yannis, G.HREES representative (Group for Hellenic Re-establishment):


We have defended and supported President Trump and US interests against China more than anyone on the planet. It is disgraceful that you should allow G.HREES representative to remain in prison. Well let him stay in prison then but at least take action to save 100,000,000 Americans and 3,000,000 Greeks from the deadly covid-19 vaccines they have been jabbed with.

You should email the following websites to request the two texts about saving Americans and Greeks from the deadly poison of covid-19 vaccines: ( ( 

One texts is about a natural antibiotics remedy against viruses using only natural ingredients , and the other is about general instructions on how to combat deadly vaccines by use of copper electrodes.

Karageorgiu Yannis, G.HREES, Greece. Trikala prison, Greece, 10/7/21.


In the case that you impose mandatory vaccinations on the American armed forces, those vaccinated will die within a year according to research conducted by University of Dublin Chancellor of Medicine Dolores Cahill, and other prominent Nobel-awarded university professors of medicine. Should you carry on with the deadly vaccinations of the American public, you will have betrayed the United States national security.

K.Y. G.HREES, Greece.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

To D.I.A-USA: G.HREES (Group for Hellenic Re-establishment) representative , Karageorgiou Yannis, was arrested and is in prison in the city of Trikala, Greece. You are requested to get him out of prison via the D.I.A unit in Greece, to get instructions to President Trump pertaining to the public health and safety of U.S citizens vaccinated with the deadly covid-19 vaccines.



G.HREES (Group for Hellenic Re-establishment) representative , Karageorgiou Yannis, was arrested and is in prison in the city of Trikala, Greece. You are requested to get him out of prison via the D.I.A unit in Greece, to get instructions to President Trump pertaining to the public health and safety of U.S citizens vaccinated with the deadly covid-19 vaccines.

Karageorgiou Yannis, official G.HREES representative.

Sunday, July 4, 2021

TO: The President of the United States, D.Trump, D.I.A/USA, US Pentagon staff, US Secretary of State M.Pompeo: We call upon you to take immediate actions to urgently get G.HREES (GROUP FOR HELLENIC RE-ESTABLISHMENT) representative Mr Karageorgiou Yannis discharged from prison, as it is vital that he gets to you the special diet /covid-19 antidote, devised by G.HREES Greece, to avert the deaths of 100,000,000 vaccinated Americans as well as 3,000,000 vaccinated Greeks.



The President  of the United States, D.Trump, D.I.A/USA, US Pentagon staff, US Secretary of State M.Pompeo:

We call upon you to take immediate actions to urgently get G.HREES (GROUP FOR HELLENIC RE-ESTABLISHMENT) representative Mr Karageorgiou Yannis discharged from prison, as it is vital that he gets to you the special diet /covid-19 antidote, devised by G.HREES Greece, to avert the deaths of 100,000,000 vaccinated Americans as well as 3,000,000 vaccinated Greeks.

G.HREES, Greece national security General, Karageorgiou Yannis, has been detained in prison by Greek police officers and prosecutors since 2/7/21, due to his revelations about the danger of covid-19 vaccines , which he openly stated in writing on G.HREES’s official website ''''

Karageorgiou Yannis, national security General of G.HREES, Greece.


Sunday, June 27, 2021

G.HREES Greece to the men of Special Forces across the planet, translated in english directly via local interpereters , and via the military attaches of all foreign embassies in Athens , Greece: Be informed immediately from ''KERBEROS-HELLAS'' website and its 24th , 25th/6/21 postings on: ''THE DEAGEL REPORT MASSIVE DEPOPULATION BY 2025, ALL EVIDENCE'', and ''ATTENTION: A SCARY DEAGEL SURVEY REVEALS DEPOPULATION OF THE WESTERN WORLD BY 2025 BY 60 TO 80%!!!''.

G.HREES Greece to the men of Special Forces across the planet, translated in english directly via local interpereters , and via the military attaches of all foreign embassies in Athens , Greece: Be informed immediately from ''KERBEROS-HELLAS'' website and its 24th , 25th/6/21 postings on: ''THE DEAGEL REPORT MASSIVE DEPOPULATION BY 2025, ALL EVIDENCE'', and ''ATTENTION: A SCARY DEAGEL SURVEY REVEALS DEPOPULATION OF THE WESTERN WORLD BY 2025 BY 60 TO 80%!!!''.

According to the above treasonous plan of DEAGEL, in the USA alone  221 million American military officers and innocent civilians are to be genocided through covid-19 vaccines, with only 99,5 million surviving by 2025!!!. Thus the USA/NATO/SEATO will be dismantled and destroyed in favour of R.I.C (RUSSIA-SHIITE ISLAM-CHINA). Regarding the western trilateral of US/E/J (USA-EUROPE-JAPAN), DEAGEL has programmed the mass deaths of 550 million military staff and civilians through covid-19 vaccines, that is, destruction of the United States of America, Europe and Japan, and SEATO members in favour of the armies of R.I.C.!!!

In the case of Greece, DEAGEL has programmed the deaths of 7,5 million Greeks through covid-19 vaccines , with only 2,5 million Greeks survivors, Defence budget of just 30,000,000 euro leading to the destruction of the Greek armed forces followed up with a slaughtering of Greeks from Turkey and its 4 allies!!! These 2,5 millions will not be indigenous Greeks but rather foreign migrants , since the treasonous Greek governments are coercing Greeks into getting injected with the deadly covid-19 vaccines , while the foreign migrants are keeping away from it.


DEAGEL  has programmed the genocide of 100% of indigenous Greek populations , according to the treasonous promise of the JEWISH GREEK Prime Minister to the US JEWISH COUNCIL that: IF THE FOREIGN EMBASSIES SEE TO IT THAT I RISE TO POWER IN GREECE, I WILL CRUSH GREEK NATIVISM, that is, I WILL GENOCIDE ALL INDIGENOUS GREEKS.

As regards the men of Greek special forces, the headquarters of the G.HREES military leg is calling upon them to immediately impose the death penalty on the Greek Prime Minister MITSOTAKIS BEN-SHALOM along with his other ministers , all of which are conspiring for the genocide of the men and women of the Greek armed forces and civilians through covid-19 vaccinations , the PRESPES AGREEMENT/TREATY, and an agreement to deliver the Aegean islands and western Thrace over to Turkey via the European court at The Hague.

As regards the men of the special forces of other nations, we highly advise that they should impose a complete ban on covid-19 vaccinations , and to stay neutral when pressured to become involved in war situations of any alliances by foreign services.

Likewise, we advise them to demand of their countries politicians to research the identities and racial origins of the criminals against humanity, the DEAGEL AGENTS , MOST PROBABLY JEWISH-AMERICAN, MASON, SAXON AND CHINESE-AMERICAN.

Especially concerning the patriot men and women of US special forces , we advise that you should demand of both the US Democrat and Republican politicians to activate any of the 16 US secret services that order the extermination of DEAGEL AGENTS , and to address the US citizens that: THE DEAGEL AGENTS WERE CONDEMNED TO DEATH AND EXECUTED ON CHARGES OF CONSPIRACY FOR THE GENOCIDE OF 228 MILLION AMERICAN MILITARY OFFICERS AND CIVILIANS THROUGHCOVID-19 VACCINATIONS, SO THAT THE SURVIVING 100 MILLION AMERICANS WILL BE GENOCIDED BY THE ARMIES OF CHINA THAT AMERICAN TRAITOR LLOYD AUSTIN WANTS TO REPLACE THE AMERICAN ARMED FORCES WITH.

In the case that American politicians refuse to execute the DEAGEL AGENTS and to address the American people, then kill them all, Democrats and Republicans , in NATO/SEATO nations , in alliances with the special forces of Russia and other nations, kill everyone internationally that conspired for and contributed to the legislation and construction of the deadly vaccines , along with everyone that distributed the moneyless economy of the Bitcoin, Agenda 2030, and the Great Reset.

Lastly, CHINA +TAIWAN 888 and the two KOREAS 777 must be isolated in terms of finance and trade , AS CRIMINALS AGAINST ALL  HUMANITY. The first penalty should be elimination of every nation’s debts to the above 4 countries, on top of any other penalties imposed by the courts of the countries genocided through covid-19 vaccines.

In the charts and tables published by DEAGEL and posted on KERBEROS-HELLAS in the above two posts , you may see the number of covid-19 vaccinated people , and the destruction of your armed forces programmed by DEAGEL  in your country alone.

You must urgently put a stop to this and try to stay alive in your prosperous nation.

On behalf of the G.HREES (GROUP FOR HELLENIC RE-ESTABLISHMENT) military leg, Karageorgiu Yannis, national and planet security General , Volos, Greece, 26/6/21.


Is President Trump’s urge to the American people to get covid-19 vaccinated true or false?

There’s a rumour doing the rounds that President Trump has publicly stated that: PATRIOT AMERICANS SHOULD GET THE VACCINE . If this statement is false then the main text remains as is. Should the above rumour be true , then President Trump is an instigator in the genocide of any Americans that got the covid-19 vaccine and will die, since he himself got treated and cured of the covid virus through use of monoclonal antibodies , knowing that covid-19 vaccines are deadly. Thus he knew that vaccinated Americans would die.

Therefore, even in the case that the above rumours are false , President Trump should have advised the American people not to go ahead with their deadly covid-19 vaccinations , which he did not do, which is criminal negligence , aiding and abetting in the crimes against humanity programmed by DEAGEL secret service, already as of 2014.

Karageorgiu Yannis, g.hrees.