Sunday, November 21, 2021

G.H.REES (Group for Hellenic Re-establishment) to all Greek Ministers, foreign embassies based in Athens, Greece, all foreign military attaches in embassies in Athens, all U.N. member state reperesentatives , the Greek military headquarters , Greek Police headquarters, and to the Greek secret intelligence services: Chinese Hong Kong and Israel respectively have announced the beginning of deadly Pfizer vaccinations to 2-11 yr-olds, and 3-11 yr-olds.


G.H.REES (Group for Hellenic Re-establishment) to all Greek Ministers, foreign embassies based in Athens, Greece, all foreign military attaches in embassies in Athens, all U.N. member state reperesentatives , the Greek military headquarters , Greek Police headquarters, and to the Greek secret intelligence services: Chinese Hong Kong and Israel respectively have announced the beginning of deadly Pfizer vaccinations to 2-11 yr-olds, and 3-11 yr-olds.

We suspect (we are almost certain) that this is a fake, devious announcement by the governments of both Israel and China aimed at pressuring American, European and Japanese parents of the U.S-E.-J axis (USA, Europe, Japan), to vaccinate their underaged children, so as to cause them to perish through already proven adverse effects such as thrombosis, and heart failure, after they have turned into zombies, because:

1)According to a leaked secret convention of the Chinese Communist Party, , it publicly stated it is standing by till the entire US and NATO armies get the jab, so the Communist Party of China may be victorious (the attacking Chinese army against the armies of U.E.J, (USA-EUROPE-JAPAN) in WWIII of 2028). Therefore, it is fake news that the Chinese are bound to murder their children by getting them vaccinated with the deadly covid-19 jabs.

2)Following the statements made by renowned Jewish doctor Zelenko before the court of the Israeli chief-Rabbis pertaining to the deadly adverse effects brought about by the covid-19 jabs, this Israeli court informed the Jewish court in New York, which subsequently ordered a ban of the above vaccines on all Jewish children the world over.. Thus, it is fake news that the government of Israel is planning to vaccinate Israeli kids with the above vaccine. Therefore, the above two fake announcements by China and Israel are primarily aimed at deceiving all world governments , especially the Ministries of Defence, Law enforcement, and Health of all other nations, so that these institutions may carry on with the vaccinations of their own Armed Forces personnel and their children without any fear of any adverse effects.  The result of this will be a mass genocide of the Armed Forces personnel of the U.S-E.J trilateral along with their children , so that every household of the U.S-E.J axis will have at least one casualty , and so that the Chinese army and China’s Communist Party ''are victorious in WWIII of 2028'', invading and butchering innocent populations of U.S-E.J.

The above two fake announcements by the governments of China and Israel were made amidst their panic of the deadly mRNA vaccinations of U.S-E.J populations and other countries coming to a halt, on account of the late violent riots breaking out in Holland and Austria against deadly mRNA covid-19 jabs. This ''Health Dictatorship'' is the works of the governments of Holland and Austria made up of freemasons that take their orders from the ''Grand Lodge of England'' of ''AOA'' (Ordo Adeptis Atlantis), and ''Ordo Astrum Argentinum'', that is , the draconian crews of the ''MOON'' and Lilith, the two draconian invaders originating in the constellation of DRACO (A’DRACONIS). These draconian invaders have programmed WWIII of 2028, aiming at the complete genocide of the white Andromedian and black Sirian races, whilst allowing only the yellow Draconian race of China 888 and Korea 777 to survive on planet Earth. To achieve this, they will use Monguls (white-yellow Jews and Saxons)as intermediary murderers of the white and black races, but they will also exterminate freemasons, Jews and Saxons in the 2nd phase of WWIII, as racially impure by-products of the white and yellow race crossbreeds.

G.HREES via their representative, Karageorgiou Yannis, National and Planet security General of G.HREES., Volos-Iolcos, Greece (Hellas).