Thursday, December 31, 2020

Top urgent message of military security and defence sufficiency of the USA, NATO and SEATO, from Karageorgiu Yannis, G.HREES national and planet security General, to the US President Mr. D. Trump, US Defence Minister, and US Pentagon staff: Either devious or foolish US defence inadequacy in light of China.


Top urgent message of  military security and defence sufficiency of the USA, NATO and SEATO, from Karageorgiu Yannis, G.HREES national and planet security General, to the US President Mr. D. Trump, US Defence Minister, and US Pentagon staff: Either devious or foolish US defence inadequacy in light of China.

Dear Mr President, Defence Minister, and staff members of the US Pentagon, we point out a foolish , if not devious, delay in reinforcing US Defence along with NATO and SEATO, compared to CHINA  and generally against the SHANGHAI PACT or R.I.C. , the Asian trilateral of Russia, Shiite Islam, China, pertaining to the three US armed forces as follows:

1).Land forces: Russian Defence Minister Soigou publicly announced construction of 150 new transcontinental nuclear ICBM AVANTGUARD missiles capable of reaching speeds of 27 mach. We deem such speed beyond 5 to 6 mach excessive for the existing missiles , of solid fuel or other type of 5 mach meteor. We also consider this a bluff of terrorizing and causing weakness in the US armed forces , in light of WWIII.

However, during the recent multisound beam ICBM AVANTGUARD missile trials in Russia, there were reported accidents such as nuclear explosions in AVANTGUARD missile engines. This goes to prove that these engines are now ion-propelled, that is , subphoton speed decompression ions, with ionization and mercury ions decompression or other heavy metal very likely.

In the above case, we estimate a maximum speed of 11 mach for the AVANTGUARD missiles within the stratosphere, as long as the missiles come fully equipped with ceramic tiles on the outside for protection against extreme heating upon re-entering the earth’s atmosphere.

The AVANTGUARD engines must contain a boiling and mercury vaporization machine, along with a very powerful ion decompression electromagnet powered by electric generators rotated by immaterial engines of the METEOR type or conventional jet engines of liquid fuel.

The ionization of the decompression ions of the engine is further reinforced by the radiation emitted by the radioactive material of the AVANTGUARD.  US Defence industry is totally ignorant of the above Russian technology, which is proof that the US CABAL deliberately caused delay in US Defence  so that the USA may be defeated by China in WWIII.

2).US Navy: You have been notified already of torpedoes of the HYPERCAVITATION PHENOMENON of 600km/h which Russia sold to China. The next generation of such torpedoes reaches 800+km/h , which makes it  impossible for the US Navy to defend itself , as a result the USA will be defeated by China in WWIII. China is also attempting to build H.V.P submarines reaching 800km/h, and is bluffing with H.V.P supersonic subs which is technically impossible.

The US Navy, deviously or foolishly, did nothing to develop submarine defence weapons against H.V.P. torpedoes , thus conspiring for the defeat of the USA from Russia and China in WWIII.

3).Russian Defence Ministry announced an immediate development of multisonic air missiles of the METEOR type for its STEALTH SU-17 aircraft.

The SU-57 is a stealth fighter and air supremacy aircraft , and if equipped with multisonic missiles it will become indestructible. The US do have a similar F-22 RAPTOR aircraft but the US Pentagon did not take the time to develop multisonic missiles for the F-22, and left these missiles for the F-35s only. However, the F-35s are not fighter and air supremacy aircraft but rather sluggish aircraft only capable of firing long range METEOR missiles.

Therefore, once again the US Pentagon by order of the CABAL made sure that the USA will be defeated by Russian and Chinese air force , with China already copying and building Russian aircraft.


The USA must urgently put a stop to wasting public funds , i.e for the equality of women in Pakistan!! and other CABAL frauds, and must urgently begin a race to bridge the technological  defence gap between the USA and Russia. If not, then the USA and other nations across the planet will be genocided by the Chinese army 888and Korean army 777in WWIII of 2027, or in the now accelerated WWIII of 2021.

End of message.

Karageorgiu Yannis, 12 Elpidos str. Nea Ionia, Volos, Iolcos, Greece (Hellas) , Time: 05:55, 31/12/20.


Mr President, Defence Minister, and US Pentagon staff, I may no longer be able to transmit G.HREES messages to you for US national and military security, due to my deteriorating health issues from CABAL Greece’s many long persecutions , my destroyed residence and G.HREES office Greece,  due to my nil income , and literally homeless .

Should this happen, stand your ground and remain adamant in your just struggle and be victorious with the help of the God of the Universal Hierarchy.


Karageorgiu Yannis.




Sunday, December 27, 2020

Urgent message from G.H.REES, Greece, to the President of the United States . Subject: US President’s personal safety .


New important post script!!!

Urgent message from G.H.REES, Greece, to the President of the United States . Subject: US President’s personal safety .

Dear Mr President of the United States:

We are informed that officers of the US special forces concluded that the explosives used in the Nashville blast were of the ‘’C4’’ type explosives of the US army. We rule out the possibility this was carried out by American military personnel or US DIA army personnel.

We logically assume this was carried out by a secret service whose executive department offers the ''C4'' explosive device for effective operations in foreign countries.

Given that the CIA was  actively involved in the high treason caused by the election fraud in favour of Joe Biden, this secret service carrying the ''C4'' explosive is none other than the CIA itself.

We advise that you urgently appoint the new CIA director directly from amongst senior DIA officers of the US army, or the other two US secret services, namely, the US Navy and US Air Force.

Likewise, we also advise you to urgently replace the NSA director , along with the other 16+1 directors of the US secret services , with senior officers of the above three US secret services .

Lastly, we advise that you should constantly change your workplace and overnight stay daily, inside armoured shelters of the three US armed forces , since we also logically assume that the CIA possesses both explosive and antitank portable missiles to blow up targets and assassinate terrorists in other countries.

Until you are finally able to clean up the NSA and the other 16+1 US secret services from traitors and conspirators guilty of high treason against the US constitution and the USA, you should avoid air transport , and use only 9 armoured vehicles of the US army for you and members of your family. The passengers in danger should ride in one of the nine vehicles in a different seat.

Regarding the above mentioned convoy, there should be two armoured infantry vehicles in the front and another two at the rear, fully manned with US special forces personnel. They should also be carrying antitank missiles and anti aircraft STINGER missiles , since you are exposed to danger both on land and in the air by CIA aircraft and helicopters.

Given that CHINA and the Queen of England deviously via CANADA ,and the President of Iran (through a public statement), are attempting to assassinate you , we deem the above mentioned security measures the least and most reasonable measures you can take.

On behalf of the G.HREES.,Karageorgiu Yannis, national and planet security General of G.H.REES, Greece, Volos, Iolcos, Greece. 27/12/20. 



Dear Mr President, on 6 january 2021, you have invited millions of your friends US citizens to Washington D.C. Amongst them will be secret agents of your adversaries, likely attempting to assassinate you or other American citizens. For reasons of personal safety, we call upon you not to expose yourself to this danger, but you should get giant tv monitors installed at the venue on 6 january , through which you will address the US citizens from a US army armoured vehicle. At the above venue there should be as many undercover agents as possible of the US armed forces, so that any attempts against you or other US citizens could  be avoided. During this particular gathering of 6th January you should forbid the presence of undercover agents of any other US government agency , apart from those of the secret services of the US armed forces. You must urgently set up your own television channel on which you will publicise across the US television proof and other manipulations towards an election fraud and ultimate treason of the pseudo-Democrats fascists against the US constitution and state. Because you are conducting mental warfare , which requires full information to strengthen your friends’ morale, while paralyzing that of your adversaries, so they can finally come to terms with their defeat and ultimate treason of the Democrats, so there will be no civil war in the USA. Meanwhile, you should order the cancellation of every convention and voting of the General Convention of Chinese-driven United Nations ( ONU), along with the convention and voting of whatever decision taken by the United Nations Security Council, without the presence of a US ambassador in these two ONU bodies. This is because there will not be a US ambassador to the United Nations until the final US Presidential election confirmed by the US supreme court , and because your adversaries may decide to appeal to the above two UN/ONU bodies without the presence of a US ambassador, so they may expel the US from UN/ONU in case you are re-elected President of the US. See the case of Canada. Karageorgiu Yannis.


We deem possible that you might get a stab in the back by China and Turkey’s long time slave the Queen of England, as she may order that the USA should be kicked out of NATO (Canada etc.), SEATO(Australia etc.), and the United Nations ONU. If this happens, both NATO and SEATO will be torn apart along with  all Defence Treaties of the West , in favour of CHINA and RUSSIA. The USA will be left defenceless and isolated against all, including the E.U. led by Turkey’s slave Germany. Look at the facts:

1).English Prime Ministers boasts about his Turkish descent.

2).England’s MI-6 is in collaboration with Turkish MIT aiming at the development of Turkey’s war industry and its sovereignty in the eastern Mediterranean.

3).By colluding with Russia, Turkey along with Turkish Ajerbaijan invaded Armenia’s Nogorno Karabach to open up (and they did open up) CHINA’s silk road , for CHINA’s total economic invasion of the USA and Europe.

4).Turkey and Greek born traitor Erdogan, much like a whore with three lovers, is getting missile weaponry systems from the USA, Russia and China, and is also asking for military aircraft from China and Russia, while it wants to become member of the SHANGHAI PACT of Russia, Iran, China, that is, NATO and SEATO’s  greatest enemy Pact.

5).Turkey and Erdogan have announced that they are setting up the ARMY OF TOURAN, that is, the PANMONGOLIAN-PANTOURANIAN MILITARY FRONT , and the PANISLAMIC-ISIS MILITARY FRONT (64 countries in total) against the West. All secret agencies of the West, however, are feigning ignorance and deviously overlooking this threat, a prologue to CHINA’S WWIII.

6). English lords claim they are descendants of Mongolian Princes of Turkey’s TOURAN.

7).Mongols are a crossbreed between white and Chinese yellow races.

8).Hordes of Mongol butchers genocided all nations of the white race in Asia and many nations of the white race in Europe, since they are nothing more than human genocidal DOBERMANS of a two-race crossbreed.

Mr President of the USA, your Republican advisors are not in a position to resolve this geopolitical and geostrategic problem due to their stupefaction from England’s Masonry. This equation-problem was resolved worldwide only by G.H.REES’s department of Geostrategics analysis in Greece. But you chose to remove the Greek advisors from your staff. May God help you to bring the chaos you’re up against under control. Karageorgiu Yannis.


Thursday, December 24, 2020

Karageorgiu Yannis, former chief of G.H.REES, Greece, geostrategics analysis and mental warfare department department , to the President of the United States, Donald Trump: Dear Mr. President of the United States, we are being informed that some of your advisors , either out of cowardice or under threat, betrayed your struggle and are advising you to give up your attempts to free your nation from the destructive fraud and corruption caused by Chinese CABAL. It is your mistake actually because you didn’t subject them to a character integrity test before appointing them your personal advisors, while you dismissed your Greek advisors , the natural enemies of the evil Chinese race, who naturally stand up and fight all the harder should they be blackmailed.


Karageorgiu Yannis, former chief of G.H.REES, Greece, geostrategics analysis and mental warfare department department , to the President of the United States, Donald Trump:

Dear Mr. President of the United States, we are being informed that some of your advisors , either out of cowardice or under threat, betrayed your struggle and are advising you to give up your attempts to free your nation from the destructive fraud and corruption caused by Chinese CABAL.  It is your mistake actually because you didn’t subject them to a character integrity test before appointing them your personal advisors, while you dismissed your Greek advisors , the natural enemies of the evil Chinese race, who naturally  stand up and fight all the harder should they be blackmailed.

You should take corrective actions by dismissing your coward, blackmailed advisors, and rehiring your Greek ones which you dismissed.

Do not be put off by your cowardly, blackmailed, false friends and advisors because , as has been proven by the ancient Greek philosophers, the universal laws states that '' The part of the Universe that causes or transmits lies is bound to self-destruct'', and ''the Gods will honour the souls of those that lost their lives fighting a fair war'' (Heraletus from Ephesus).

Go on fighting for fairness against the lies of your adversaries and your cowardly advisors, since you have the ''GODS'' themselves as allies , that is , the leaders of the galactic space forces present in our solar system. After seeing the mental, psychological, and physical collapse of all beings on planet earth on account of violations of the natural laws of the universe by the CHINESE-KOREAN gangsters of the local space CABAL, these GODS relayed in 2018 an ultimatum to the earth and space forces of the CABAL, of unprecedented threats for their imminent invasion of planet earth from outer space. This ultimatum concerns  the overthrowing of both space and earth-based Chinese-Korean CABAL. See online US senator Blumenthal’s public statement , following a US senators briefing by NASA.

So. Carry on fighting in your rightful struggle before ''GODS'' and men.

Karageorgiu Yannis , national and planet security General of G.H.REES, Greece, Volos, Iolcos, Greece (Hellas). 23/12/20 time: 05:23’.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

G.HREES to the President of the United States , US Defence Minister, and the Pentagon: Actions and measures against superfast subsonic Chinese and Russian torpedoes of the ''hypercavitation phenomenon'', at speeds of 600km/hr or higher:


G.HREES to the President of the United States , US Defence Minister, and the Pentagon: Actions and measures against superfast subsonic Chinese and Russian torpedoes of the ''hypercavitation phenomenon'', at speeds of 600km/hr or higher:

ATTENTION: Torpedoes of such magnitude and speed are capable of sinking a US aircraft carrier even if they miss the target, only by the shock wave caused by simply passing near the US vessel.

The only means of defence is to constantly monitor the sea area by US marine aircraft , as well as the instant launch of a nuclear torpedo-missile from a US vessel for the destruction of the enemy submarine.

Also, at the same time there should be a sudden change of course of the US vessel and two other laid up vessels on either side of it that will be sunk by the H.C.F blast , rather than the main vessel itself.

The US vessel and the other two vessels’ new course must be vertical to the course of the incoming H.C.F torpedo.

Russian submarine KURSK’s self-destruction was brought about by an H.C.F torpedo shockwave launched by KURSK too close to it , at full speed for reasons of showing off in the presence of CHINESE admirals, so it can be sold to CHINA.

The Russian government denied Norway the rescue of the surviving KURSK crew members in other watertight compartments of the submarine , via Norwegian rescue mini subs used by oil rigs , because they did not want to expose the sale of H.C.F torpedoes to CHINA.

Karageorgiu Yannis. G.HREES.