Sunday, February 24, 2019

Ultimatum of the G.H.REES military leg (Group of Hellenic Re-establishment) to NSA-USA commander , General Paul Nakasone via the NSA echelon of the U.S embassy in Athens , Greece, and to the U.S President D. Trump, via the U.S ambassador in Athens.

Ultimatum of the G.H.REES military leg (Group of Hellenic Re-establishment) to NSA-USA commander , General Paul Nakasone via the NSA echelon of the U.S embassy in Athens , Greece, and to the U.S President D. Trump, via the U.S ambassador in Athens.


We are being informed, through Greek-American members of U.S intelligence services as well as U.S armed forces, that through the jewish communist government of Greece, you demand the placement of U.S special forces officers as inspectors, deputies and…spies of the USA in the Greek armed forces units. These actions of yours are aimed at the cancellation of the planning and combat operations of the Greek armed special forces against the armies of the BASTR axis (Bulgaria-Albania-Skopje-Turkey-Romania), all of which are hostile against Greece. These countries plan to invade and annex Greek territory whilst driving away the Greek residents of the attacked regions through maltreatment and genocide of the local populations.

We are fully aware that NATO-USA will carry out a 180o political and strategic turnaround for the dismantling of the member countries of BASTR , so that their territories will be annexed to Greece for the ultimate, planned , final establishment of the ''Greek empire 666 of Constantinople'' as the planned leader of NATO+SEATO for a WWIII assault against Eurasia trilateral of ''R.I.C'' (Russia-Siitic Islam-China)+ unified Korea 888+777.

Counter-attacking ''R.I.C'' has been programmed to genocide western trilateral of ''US.E.J'' 666, with Greece as the first country up for genocide as the presumed leader of trilateral 666.

We are fully aware of the three programmed phases of WWIII. During the last two phases , Hyper lodge ''HONG'' of China has programmed the genocide of its allies , namely Russia and Siitic Islam , so it can finally establish the long awaited ''Chinese dictatorship'' or ''Jehova’s kingdom 888''.

Therefore, with your current policies and actions in favour of BASTR axis, you are provoking not only the genocide of the Greek nation , the genocide of U.S citizens, the countries of Europe and rest of white nations, but also the white-yellow Mongolian jewish-Saxon-Japanese populations as well as the black-yellow populations of Indochina etc., by the genetically pure yellow race of China+Korea. , 888+777.

Since G.H.REES also function as ''Group of planetary security'', you should regard this ultimatum as a warning to you should you pressure the treasonous Greek government to allow the physical presence of U.S spies in favour of BASTR within the Greek special forces, in which case they will be forced to order activation of their MASER/NEUTRINO-NASER weaponry systems , operated by Greek-Americans and patriot American military officers for the destruction of ALL U.S military air force , Navy vessels, and vehicles of the U.S armed forces.

Years ago, we provided you with a small sample of the destructive power of our MASER/NEUTRINO-NASER network within the USA , temporarily disabling all electronic power on US fighter aircraft, which forced the US minister of Defence to order all USAF aircraft to be grounded.

Immediately cancel your orders to place US spies-inspectors-co-commanders in the Greek armed forces and immediately withdraw US and other NATO armies and BLACKWATER missionaries from Greek territory. Failure to do so within a 7-day period , along with orders from you to Turkey and BASTR axis to cancel Turkey’s ''MAVI VATAN'' military drills  of 27/2/19, and to put an end to Turkey’s Greek and Cypriot territorial claims of continental shelves and ''EOZ'' (Exclusive Economic Zone), will result in the destruction of all US armed forces as an enemy of Greece , but an ally of BASTR.

On behalf of G.HREES/G.PL.REES, Karageorgiou Giannis, representative of G.HREES, non-operational General ****** of national and planetary security.

P.S (1): Immediately reverse the operation of HAARP fields in Alaska and Europe and also immediately instruct your criminal jewish counterparts of the Russian Kremlin (in collusion with US Pentagon) to do likewise, in order to reverse the effects of the snow-cold weather front against Greece to a high of fair weather . Through your previous attacks of meteorological warfare against Greece, you jews and Saxons of Washington and Moscow are criminals against humanity , as you murdered thousands of Greeks and infinitely millions of animals and trees across Greece.

P.S.(2): Inform the jews and Saxons of the governments of England , Russia, China and Germany that in the event that they press on with their attacks and means of dishonesty against Greece , we will destroy their armed forces via NEUTRINO/NASER weaponry systems of infinite range.

P.S(3): Immediately draw up schemes to deport ALL illegal migrants from Greece.

P.S(4): Eliminate Greece’s foreign debts falsely and deviously augmented tenfold , and order the immediate cancellation of the memorandums and their legislations imposed on Greece as a result of your frauds and dishonesty.

P.S(5): Inform ''AOA'' and ''OTO'' masonic lodges of London to dismantle at once their masonic and theosophic lodges in Greece.

P.S(6): Further ultimatums will be announced to you in due time.

Karageorgiou Giannis, G.H.REES/G.PL.REES representative, Volos, Greece.