Friday, January 26, 2018

The Patras Research Division of G.H.REES is publicizing the reply to the signals of G.H.REES, and the signal of the headquarters of the internal hollow surface of Earth towards the headquarters of the countries of the external surface of Earth:

The Patras Research Division of G.H.REES is publicizing the reply to the signals of G.H.REES, and the signal of the headquarters of the internal hollow surface of Earth towards the headquarters of the countries of the external surface of Earth:

Headquarters (Leaders) of the Hollow-Earth, Departments of “Elysian Fields”, “Asphodelus Fields”, “Chthonic Jupiter”, “Chthonic Apollo”, “Chthonic Hera”, to the headquarters (Leaders) of the Convex External Surface of Earth, users of machines of super-luminal speeds signals (speed of Light X 10^6) from Group of Planetary Security of Nation-State Hellas (“Delphados-Delphios”) of the Metropolitan area representing the Andromedian Principle of Uranides, we received knowledge of the committed in the past, in the present and in the future planed interplanetary genocide crimes of the invaders from the constellation of Draco under the leadership of Sentiou (Sedi-Jedi), against the Anthropian races, of the Fauna and Flora of the External and Internal surface of the Planet Demeter-Gaia.

We have transmitted the above information to the Andromedian military forces of the four (4) External Planets, to the Metropolitan (“Genitor”) Constellation of Andromeda of Local Galaxy, to the Terrestrial Noesis Being, to the Solar Noesis Being, all agreeing for the top-urgent need of “Unconditional Surrender” or “Annihilation” of the Universal Arch-Criminal Sentiou or Eloh or Allah, and his subordinates criminals Dracoids or Elohim of the Battleship Moon (Selene-Levaniah), semi-artificial satellite of Planet Earth, originating from the constellation of Draco.

Therefore, abort your obedience and your crimes ordered by the above Dracoids criminals and from the traitors Gods (Theontes) Saturn, Poseidon, and Ares-Thor, because we have suggested to the Andromedian Headquarters, and your own annihilation as accomplishes to the terrestrial and universal Dracoid Crimes.

We have forewarned the Lunar Dracoids that the collision of the Giant-Asteroid with Planet Earth will provoke a Nuclear Explosion of the fiery Zone Radioactive Metals of the Planet up to a depth of thousand kilometers from the external convex surface and from the internal hollow surface. Width of the Planet’s fiery Zone: 200+ Kilometers. Distance between the outside and inside surface: 2.200+ Kilometers. The Nuclear Explosion of the fiery Zone of numerous million tons of fissile radioactive heavy metals will be spheroid in shape, with sphere-radius of 3.000.000 Kilometers, namely 10-times the Earth-Moon distance, and therefore the Battleship Moon of the Dracoids will be vaporized, by stationed inside the center of this colossal nuclear explosion which the same Lunar Dracoids plan to provoke.
We consider that the Dracoids Nuclear Physicists of the Moon must put in front of the 24 ministers of Sedi, a matter of overthrowing the Sedi leadership, because him, with his stupid tactic, is driving all the Lunar Dracoids to an involuntary suicide.

For the Space Research division of G.H.REES Patras, the Representative of G.H.REES, Karageorgiou Ch. Ch. Yannis, General of Planetary Security of G.H.REES, Iolkos, Elpidos 12 Nea Ionia, Volos - Greece.
Mobile Telephone: (+30) 698 36 579 54

We advise to our readers that the Present Signal of the Hollow-Earth Andromedians must be sent through E-mail to all the Foreign Embassies of Athens, and to all the Universities and Mass Media of USA and Europe.

P.S.2: “Asphodelus Fields”
(Note: In Greek legend the asphodel is one of the most famous of the plants connected with the dead and the underworld. Homer describes it as covering the great meadow, the haunt of the dead. It was planted on graves, and is often connected with Persephone, who appears crowned with a garland of asphodels. Its general connection with death is due no doubt to the greyish color of its leaves and its yellowish flowers, which suggest the gloom of the underworld and the pallor of death. The roots were eaten by the poorer Greeks)

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Tuesday, January 23, 2018


The General G.Ayfantis of the “Ethnegersia” political movement, in his article in the newspaper “Eleftheri Ora” (Free Time), the Bishop Ambrosios of Aigialea, other Greek Bishops, the famous music composer Mikis Theodorakis, the clubs of ex servicemen and reservists Army Officers, and all the Hellenocentric Organizations, have stated that : because in the articles 3 and 49 of the Skopje constitution it is written that : “Skopje will fight (including military fight) for the rights of the Macedonians of the neighboring countries", therefore if Greece attributes the name “Macedonia” to Skopje, then this creates a clear danger about the territorial sovereignty of Greece homeland.

We inform the Greek Justice, the Greek Police, the Officers of the Greek Armed Forces, that the component of the Trotskyists of “SY.RIZ.A.” organizes on 21/1/2018 in Thessaloniki and Athens, counter-protests of Anarchists and Trotskyists of “SY.RIZ.A.” which will demand to give  Skopje the name “Macedonia”.

At the same time the Greek Communist Party “KKE” have stated through the syndicalist Boutas, the blocking of the National Highways with Tractor-Vehicles by the Greek Farmers in order to cancel the grand-protest in Thessaloniki 21/1/2018.

The above means self-proved “Treason of the Country” from the Government parties (SY.RIZ.A.+ AN.EL.) and “KKE”, articles of the Penal Code 138-151, with there mentioned Death Penalties.

In case the hebrew-masonic treasonous Government parties of “SY.RIZ.A.+AN.EL.” choose to accept the Name of “Macedonia” for Skopje, then G.H.REES calls upon the Greek Justice, the Greek Police, the Greek Army and the Greek Citizens to overthrow the Traitors using armed force, including  the rest tight-lipped political parties of the Parliament, and to enforce against them the penalties of the articles 138-151 of the Greek Penal Code, as it is clearly ordered in the article 120/4 of the Greek Constitution.


Karageorgiou Ch. Ch. Yannis, Representative of G.H.REES, General of National Security of G.H.REES, Elpidos 12 Nea Ionia, Volos – Greece.

Tel. (+30) 698 365 7954

We note that in the office of the traitor mayor of Thessaloniki, Boutaris, have gathered officers of the “CIA” branch in Greece, in order to coordinate together with the Greek Police the canceling of the grand protest in 21/1/2018. This means Treason of the Greek Police Officers in their entire hierarchy. This also means that the Anarchists and the left-wing Trotskyists are coordinating absolutely with the interests of Zionism and with Capitalism, which supposedly fight against.

We note that while the Americans are putting pressure for the final solution of the Name of Skopje through the homosexual American-hebrew lawyer Matthew Nimetz, in order for Skopje to join “NATO”, the “NATO” charter forbids the entry of a country which officially claims the territories of a neighboring country, especially in case this country is a country-member of “NATO”. This article of the “NATO” charter has already been violated numerous times by Turkey which officially claims Aegean Greek Islands and rest territorial claims up to Thessaloniki city! Therefore, we ask the receivers of the above signal to also deliver it to the President of USA, as the leader country of “NATO”, because him (Donald Trump) and his American-hebrew son-in-law Kushner, are putting pressure on Greece through Nimetz, for the acceptance of the name “Macedonia”, as compound term of the final name of Skopje.
The Greeks of G.H.REES say bollocks to the Hebrew Nimetz and his five (5) alternative designations of Skopje with the compound term “Macedonia”.
Likewise the Greeks of G.H.REES say bollocks to the condition of the final designation of the name of Skopje in order for this country to join “NATO”.
“NATO” is an illegal criminal organization anymore, which cancels itself from its own charter, which forecast the break-up of “NATO” right after the break-up of the “Warsaw Pact” which is already history many years ago.

To the above mentioned Treason is to also be added the Mason traitor Arch-Bishop Hieronymus who by obeying to the Greek-hebrew Prime minister Tsipras, advised Greeks to cancel the grand protest of 21/1/2018 in Thessaloniki (Capital city of Macedonia).

G.H.REES is calling the Greek Orthodox Ecclesia hierarchy to overthrow NOW the traitor Hieronymus.


Intellectual Death of Hebrew-Mongol Matthew Nimetz

LATEST UPDATE 22-1-2018:

As latest info is coming from Thessaloniki city, we reveal to our readers the following:
1. They have closed the only state toll-gates in Malgara-Thessaloniki under the orders of the Ministry of Transportation in order to forbid the people to enter the grand protest in the center of the capital city of Macedonia, Thessaloniki.
2. About 2000 vehicles and busses from rest mainland Greece have been blocked from entering the center of Thessaloniki, and the people were forced to walk on foot 10 kilometers (!!!) in order to reach  the center of the city to join the Grand Protest.
3. It was used electronic warfare of “Mobile-phone Jammers” and people were not able to communicate with each other and were not able to post real-time footage of the Grand Protest in the World Wide Web.
4. There was a complete media-blackout! The TV channels (especially the Government controlled) played irrelevant programs and while about 500.000 people were protesting in the center of Thessaloniki city, they didn’t break their TV programs and they didn’t show any live footage concerning the grand protest!!!
5. The Government controlled media and the treasonous Police later falsely claimed that “only” 90.000 people were in the Protest, while in reality have gathered over 500.000 people, as Reuters and Italian and rest international media have pointed out. There were also organized international protests of the Greek Diaspora in Germany, in Australia and elsewhere around the World!
See the aerial video of the Grand Protest in Thessaloniki (21-1-2018) and judge for yourself:

MACEDONIA IS GREEK, and you will never be able to stop the patriotic people power!!!


Sunday, January 7, 2018

Ultra urgent message of G.H.REES (Group for Hellenic Re-establishment) planetary security of Andromedian Hellenes of the country of Hellas (Greece) to Apollonian Andromedian forces of the inner earth.

Ultra urgent message of G.H.REES (Group for Hellenic Re-establishment) planetary security of Andromedian Hellenes of the country of Hellas (Greece) to Apollonian Andromedian forces of the inner earth.

Andromedian leaders of the inner earth, just a few hours after our previous request to you as well as the andromedian forces of the 4 outer planets pertaining to the most urgent need for the elimination of the universal criminal gang of Sin-Sion-Sina-Sedi-Jedi-Jahweh, Saturn, Poseidon and Ares (or Thor), should they continue their crimes against cells of the Universal Organism or Pan, this criminal gang multiplied its crimes against the  humans, animals and plants of our planet, thus murdering part of the body of our Allmighty God Pan (Universal Organism).

1)By use of space and earth stationed right-turning radiation machinery, this criminal gang of 4 reversed the thrust of ocean currents form left-turning to right-turning thrust. As a result, this rapid mixing of warm and super cold polar ocean currents brought about the death of innumerable millions of marine life in North America and Canada, due to the sudden drop in the water temperature. Marine life with gills and sea mammals , such as dolphins , sacred animals of God Apollo, have perished. Similarly, the same criminal gang of 4 caused the genocide of animals and birds of the American continent , with -46ο C in Canada and -30ο C in the USA. A similar devious genocide of plant life and trees is taking place across North America. The objective of this criminal gang is to bring about hunger and disease across  the USA and Canada through decomposition of marine and land life , so that the whole of North America will come to a standstill both nutritionally and sanitarily, after which China will be pronounced draconian planetary leader . In view of the upcoming genocide of North America by China , in WWIII masterplanned by the gang of the 4 galactic, universal criminals, between the USA-Europe-Japan axis and that of Russia-Siitic Islamic countries-China, the objective is to obliterate and genocide the white andromedian and the black Sirian races by the white-yellow Mongol races and the pure yellow race of China and unified Korea soon to come along.

2)A similar genocide of marine and land life via meteorological and geological seismic warfare caused by ''geomagnetic fronts'' and raging forest fires , has been planned and executed by the criminal 4-membered gang against Europe and Japan., soon to be followed by the genocide of tens of millions of people from artificial super-cold weather conditions caused by super-cold weather producing machinery , as well as unusual seismic activity happening together with these geomagnetic fronts in the USA, Europe and Japan.

Pertaining to the genocide of tens of millions of people from the extreme cold conditions , the sionistic US government falsely announced that it will raise the price of oil due to oil reserves in the USA running low. The Israeli intelligence services blew up and destroyed the industrial hub of Russian natural gas in Austria, which delivers natural gas all across Europe, thus the rise in the price of natural gas along with the upcoming suspension of the flow of natural gas from Russia to Europe because of the collusive false ''hostilities'' between US government Hebrew-Mongols and those of the Russian government , on orders of the 4 criminals.

Therefore, we demand that you, along with the andromedian forces of the 4 outer planets and the three governments of our local galaxy, instantly apply the galactic and universal laws that force the 4 criminals to agree to cease their crimes and to immediately accept to commit acts of expiation for life, or face ultimate extinction. In the event that you and the rest galactic forces fail to apply these galactic, universal laws, then we will be forced to denounce you to the authorities of  the main Andromeda galaxy via neutrino/naser signals, as conscious accomplices of the criminal gang of the 4 mutineers, including the three governments of our local galaxy.

We remind you that the worst of the 4 criminals , that is Sin-Sion-Sina-Sedi-Jedi-Jehova originating in the constellation of A' Draconis (Drago constellation)who inspired the Jehovic Mongol medium John to write the criminal '' Holy Bible'' through his demons or angels, he publicly and in writing states that he is going to send a mega-meteorite to crash into planet earth. This meteorite will pierce through the planet's outer mantle down to the core at a depth of 1,000 klm. , so as to create a super-volcano whose crater will spew lava flow and smoke that will block out the sun.

We estimate the force of impact will devastate the internal surface of inner earth , hurling a huge chunk of the surface of inner earth toward the centre, together with magma and huge amounts of smoke , to cause you to asphyxiate and force you to the surface through the openings at the poles where you will be eliminated. Therefore, it is compelling that you eliminate the universal criminal Sin-Sion-Sina-Jahweh for the safety and survival of the andromedan populations of inner earth that you are leaders of. Similarly, the accomplices of the 4 criminals , that is, the draconian Chinese, Koreans, semi-draconian white-yellow Mongol Jews, Saxons, Albanians, Bulgarians, Turks, Skopjans, and other such Mongols, must also consent to accept immediate cessation of their crimes against the white and black races of the planet through committing acts of expiation for life, or be immediately eliminated according to universal laws of '' eliminating the cancerous cells from the body of the Universal Organism''.

With neutrino speeds of '' 10 to the 6th multiplied by the speed of light, and the Andromeda galaxy being 1,5 million light years away from earth'' , the present message will reach the Andromeda galaxy after 1,5 earth years.  Given that the 4 criminals planned WWIII for earth year 2023-2024 , that is after 7 earth years which makes it impossible for any  andromedan reinforcements to reach earth within 5,5 years , the burden of permanently cancelling this war of the white and black races being exterminated by the yellow draconian race, and your own people by the 4 criminals, as well as the gradual removal of the draconian flagship MOON by the andromedan forces of the 4 outer planets, falls on your shoulders and the shoulders of these forces. Thus, see to it that the armed forces of Russia-Islamic countries-China-Korea axis are prevented from achieving victory , by immediately destroying the armed forces of these countries. Moreover, destroy the armed forces of the Albania- Skopje-Bulgaria-Turkey-Romania axis, since they have planned a simultaneous attack against Greece within the current earth year 2018 for the genocide of half the Greek population.

End of message.

This message is dedicated to andromedan Goddess ATHENA, and God APOLLO , God of Fine and Martial Arts.

On behalf of  ''The team of planetary security'', G.H.REES, '' Group for Hellenic Re-establishment'', the Greek (Hellene) descendant of the Andromedan Ouranides , by the earth name of Karageorgiou Giannis, G.H.REES representative , non-operational General of planetary security, city of Iolkos, Volos, Greece (Hellas).

6th day of the 1st earth month of January, earth year 2018.

Be blessed and strong within the body of PAN the Universal Organism.


This message to be transmitted over the telephone (preferably mobile) between friends of G.H.REES, not forgetting to mention the caller’s name and location, for conversion of sound waves to neutrino waves.

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Ultra urgent G.H.REES publication pertaining to the banning of criminals from the galactic institutional framework (of survival through acts of redemption).

Ultra urgent G.H.REES publication pertaining to the banning of criminals from the galactic institutional framework (of survival through acts of redemption).

G.H.REES , as the informal representative of the andromedian forces of the 4 outer planets, are announcing to the Greek public that on 26/12/2017, they transmitted the following ultimatum of the G.H.REES prytaneum to the andromedian forces of the inner earth , as well as to all andromedian forces of the 4 outer planets:

In the event that the 4 mutineer bandits against the galactic hierarchy, namely Sin-Sion-Sina-Sedi-Jedi-Jahweh otherwise known as the ''Father'' of Christianity, Saturn, Poseidon, Ares, continue their criminal activities via meteorological warfare, geological warfare instigation of earthquakes, and such like, and in the event that they go on genociding people, animals, trees and plants , the flora and fauna of the planet, G.H.REES will ban the above mentioned 4 universal criminals from using the galactic institutional advantage of surviving through acts of redemption.

The above message is going public via the G.H.REES representative , namely Karageorgiou Cr.Cr. Giannis , who bears the sole responsibility of the afore-mentioned announcement .