Saturday, October 28, 2023

G.H.REES/P.R.G. Athens, Greece Group of Hellenic Re-Estabishment / Planetary Restoration Group To: All nations' embassies in Greece


G.H.REES/P.R.G. Athens, Greece
Group of Hellenic Re-Estabishment / Planetary Restoration Group

All nations' embassies in Greece:

Dear ambassadors,

Transfer the following fundamental signal for the survival of your nations to your respective national governments.

At this time, a group of four (4) nations + alliances are clashing toward a kinetic warfare:
Israel - Islamic nations - Christian countries - China + both Koreas._

The above opposition is not due to any real religious clash as all four (4) above coalitions have substantially the same religion: Isreal: Jehova (Yahweh) -- Jehova_Islam : Allah = Ellohim = Jehova (Yahweh) -- Christianity: Jehova (Yahweh) -- China + both Koreas: Jendai = Sentai = Jehova (Yahweh)._

The above religious correlations are due to the the supremacy of Jehova (Yahweh/YHWH) of the Dragon Constellation in our solar system via two mega war-planets: Selene (Levan) and Lilith, against the pre-existing deities of Deus Pitar or Deus Father of the Universal Hierarchy._

At the present moment, peace talks are enacted between the military forces of Jehova (Yahweh) -- Jentai -- Sentai and the Universal Hierarchy of the local Galactic Government with the intention of avoiding the space war that will cause an extensive solar system damage.

We inform your national governments that the Earth military clash of World War 3 between the aforementioned 4 coalitions is opposing the undergoing peace talks. This disruption will bear, as a result, the complete destruction of your governments from the Universal Hierarchy's military forces of the local galaxy, for you will be held responsible for any failure in the peace talks._

You have been warned via ultimatum._

Cancel all Earth wars or your nations shall face annihilation._

Via the Office of G.H.REES,
Volos, Greece