Saturday, September 11, 2021

We are finding out that by order of the state of Israel, anyone not taking the third dose of the vaccine is deemed unvaccinated!. This means that 100 percent of Israeli citizens have been condemned to death by the the treasonous government of Israel. It is therefore, more than obvious that Dublin University professor Dolores Cahil’s warnings are taking effect, meaning that anyone vaccinated with Pfizer covid-19 jabs will die within a year.

          From G.HREES (Group for Hellenic Re-establishment) representative Karageorgiou Yannis, to all Jewish leaders within and outside Greece, especially to the chief Rabbis that area aware that the state of Israel along with its citizens have been betrayed and deceived by the Israeli government, pertaining to covid-19 vaccines. We are finding out that by order of the state of Israel, anyone not taking the third dose of the vaccine is deemed unvaccinated!. This means that 100 percent of Israeli citizens have been condemned to death by the the treasonous government of Israel. It is therefore, more than obvious that Dublin University professor Dolores Cahil’s warnings are taking effect, meaning that anyone vaccinated with Pfizer covid-19 jabs will die within a year.

Already, there is a soaring death rate in Greece which the Greek government, led by Greek and Jewish traitor prime minister Mitsotakis Ben-Shalom Moatzo, is skillfully trying to conceal. Alongside Prime Minister Mitsotakis, there is Turkish minister Hardalias, and other virologists whose names are known to the Greeks , given that the medical specialization of infectious disease specialist  is non-existent . The two main specialization that do exist are that of microbiologist or virologist, extending to two other specializations of immunology and virus infections, that is with a specialization in viruses.

Dolores Cahili of the Univeristy of Dublin did prove that whoever got the covid-19 vaccine will die within a year , since all animals injected with this DNA altering vaccine died, are already dead. That also proves a huge set-up of the government of CHINA against the Jews. Apart from Askenazi Jews, who are actually Jewish-converted Greeks, remaining Jews that belong to other Jewish races will be annihilated by CHINA according to statements and declarations made by Chinese officials who stated that “ The West and the state of Israel have both been defeated in this biowarfare by CHINA”. Thus it was all biowarfare right from the start.

We call upon the chief-Rabbis and Israel’s officials in Greece and worldwide to take serious notice, since if these corona virus vaccinations continue , they will all die. Askenazi Jews as Greek descendants in Asia Minor, while other Jewish races will die as pure Mongols, because Chinese emperors, who built the Great Wall of China to protect themselves from the Mongol invaders, will consider them their enemies. Thus, all Jews regardless of jewish race, along with the white races of the West that were jabbed are going to die.

We point out that during this biowarfare waged by China against the West, the West got defeated, according to statements made by Chinese officials and ministers. Sadly Israel belongs to the West both geostrategically and geopolitically , along with its citizens, be it Askenazi or other, all of whom reside in the state of Israel.

We must again repeat G.H.REES’S calls to the Rabbis in Greece and elsewhere, to immediately put a stop to the mandated vaccinations of Jews worldwide, since there will be no one left alive , should Jews and Israelites carry on with the vaccinations of Pfizer and the other three pharmaceuticals. It is said that only two of these four vaccine pharmaceuticals contain the living virus , while the other two just cause thrombosis to the vaccinated.

In any case, all vaccinated citizens of Israel will die either of thrombosis, or the living virus embedded in the two vaccines of Pfizer and another one.

We also point out the great Greek doctor  Dr. Dimitris Andoniou’s statement , who by the way is not officially recognized by the Greek medical regime, a London Imperial College graduate, that the vaccines distributed amongst members of the public against the corona virus have had their DNA tampered with , in microbiology labs at WUHAN CHINA, and also at Winnipeg Canada, according to G.HREES research findings. The link between the two labs was Chinese military biologist, Mrs. Kiao. Her name goes to show that sadly Chinese Jews betrayed the Jews, since Mrs Kiao is a member of the Chinese-Jewish minority of TIAO-KIU-KIAO.

Karageorgiou Yannis, G.HREES representative




