Sunday, November 17, 2019

Top urgent message of planetary security from Hellenic Andromedian ''Group for Hellenic Reestablishment'' (G.H.REES) to planetary hyperlodge ''HONG'' (ORDO TEMPLIS ORIENTIS)at SHANGHAI CHINA, and to white-yellow Mongolian Hebrewsaxon hyperlodge ''AOA'' of the West (ORDO TEMPLIS OCCIDENTIS) in London, via ''Grand Oak'' masonic lodge in Greece, and via the embassies of CHINA and ENGLAND in Greece.

Top urgent message of planetary security from Hellenic Andromedian ''Group for Hellenic Reestablishment'' (G.H.REES) to planetary hyperlodge ''HONG'' (ORDO TEMPLIS ORIENTIS)at SHANGHAI CHINA, and to white-yellow Mongolian Hebrewsaxon hyperlodge ''AOA'' of the West (ORDO TEMPLIS OCCIDENTIS) in London, via ''Grand Oak'' masonic lodge in Greece, and via the embassies of CHINA and ENGLAND in Greece.

To be forwarded to the Greek (Hellenic) authorities, foreign embassies in Athens, and mass media.


To war criminals and criminals against humanity members of ''HONG'' SHANGHAI, and members of ''AOA'' LONDON, who have , through lunar draconian space invader channeling methods and demons of the hybrid war planet ''SELENE'' or ''LEVAN'', planned the BALKAN WAR of five Balkan nations in 2019, against GREECE for the genocide of 50% of its Greek population:

1). You have been ordered to establish the ‘’New Greek-Byzantine Empire 666’’ in 2020, with the remaining 50% of the Greeks as leader of WWIII of NATO+SEATO and the western USA-EUROPE-JAPAN trilateral, against the RUSSIA-SIITIC ISLAM-CHINA trilateral in 2027.

2). On similar orders, the JEWISH and SAXON politicians and military staff of NATO+SEATO have been given orders to undermine the armed forces of NATO +SEATO by using technological warfare that’s inferior to the warfare used by RUSSIA-ISLAM-CHINA trilateral, along with deviously inefficient and false-incorrect defensive war logistics , so that the armies of NATO+SEATO will be slaughtered in the Asian deserts by the armies of the R.I.C trilateral.

3). You have been ordered to plan the counter attack of the armies of R.I.C , and especially the 200,000,000 mixed CHINESE+KOREAN (888+777) LAND ARMY FORCES, for the complete GENOCIDE of the entire WHITE AND BLACK RACE of planet earth , for the survival only of the YELLOW RACE OF CHINA+KOREA and WHITE-YELLOW MONGOLIAN RACE of the JEWS and SAXONS.

4). On similar orders given only to ‘’HONG’’ but not to ‘’AOA’’ London , ‘’HONG’’ has been ordered to also exterminate the Mongolian JEWS AND SAXONS of the West, as racially impure due to their cross-breeding with the White race. In this way , the pure yellow race of CHINA+KOREA  will be able to establish the WORLD DRACONIAN GOVERNMENT OF ‘’ KINGDOM OF JEHOVA-SIN-SION-SINA-SEDI-JEDI-JED-JADE-JUDE-JUDAS’’, God of the ‘’MOON’’. This Draconian government will eventually turn the entire planet into a vast mining operation of mining earth’s natural resources, so they can be robbed and transported to draconian hybrid war planet ‘’SELENE or MOON’’.

We are informing ‘’HONG’’ and ‘’AOA’’ that their above mentioned criminal intentions have become known to the armed forces of our local ‘’SIRIUS CONSTELLATION’’, the Metropolitan ‘’CONSTELLATION OF ANDROMEDA’’ homeplace of the White race, as well as to other neighbouring constellations that have already arrived over the orbits of the four external planets .

These forces have also transmitted to the NASA-USA staff an ultimatum to cancel the above mentioned planetary crimes, to unconditionally surrender and turn the planet’s sovereignty along with that of remaining 6 internal planets over to them. (According to ancient Mayan records, Phaethon, 8th planet from the sun , was blown up by SIN-SION-SINA of the MOON for a faster exploitation of its titanium metal deposits).

NASA have already informed US Jewish senators of the above ultimatum , amongst which senator Blumenthal. When asked by journalists about the subject matter of his urgent briefing by NASA, Blumenthal responded looking depressed and panicking: ‘’ I cannot tell you since it’s classified. We are receiving unprecedented threats from outer space’’.

Naturally, these threats do not originate in the draconian staff of the MOON  (from DRACO constellation), which have made an agreement with JEWS and SAXONS of the West to accept as ‘’friends’’ the lunar draconian and Cronian spaceships and crews, whose intention will be to drag the armies of NATO+SEATO  to WWIII against Asian R.I.C, falsely impersonating the already arrived, true spaceships and crews of ANDROMEDA and other galactic constellations against the MOON. This devious planning is for R.I.C trilateral to be given enough time to counterattack for the planned genocide of the White Andromedian race of the West, well before the arrival of the true Andromedians on planet earth. These are, rather, ultimate threats of the true government Andromedians  , arrived at the orbits of the four external planets, for the overthrowing, arrest and extermination-death of DRAGON SIN-SION-SINA-SEDI-JEDI-JEHOVA, the war planet MOON’S crews , the CHINESE, KOREANS, JEWS,SAXONS and other MONGOLS (TURKS-ALBANIANS-SKOPJANS-BULGARIANS-small section of ROMANIA, etc.), unless they all decide to unconditionally give up ,put a stop to all their crimes, and agree to eternal ‘’acts of expiation’’ for their crimes, under special terms and conditions of Andromedian demands.

The above means that, if you all economic, political and military leaders, JEWS and Mongol SAXONS of the West, Russian JEWS, Siitic ISLAM JEWISH leaders, and CHINESE-KOREANS, DO NOT IMMEDIATELY CANCEL your pre-planned BALKAN WAR against GREECE(HELLAS) as well as WWIII between NATO+SEATO and R.I.C, you and your peoples will be exterminated by the true Andromedians stationed at the four external planets, upon their arrival on our planet.

Try to survive by quietly and peacefully accepting the terms of the ultimatum of the Andromedian war forces , sent to NASA USA to be forwarded to ALL nation governments of planet earth.

End of signal.

On behalf of G.H.REES, Karageorgiu Yannis, national and planet security General of G.H.REES/G.HEL.AN. (Group of Hellenic Reestablishment/Group of the Hellenes of Andromeda), former commander of Geostrategics/Astrostrategics division of G.H.REES. Iolcos, Volos, Greece.


See link below about US senator Blumenthal ‘s ‘’classified information’’ breached by Hellenic Andromedian G.H.REES (G.H.REES/Gro.Planet.R), with the above signal of planetary security. Also visit the English G.H.REES website here:

Senator Richard Blumenthal on Threats in Space:

P.S (2):

For further information you may ask for and purchase our G.H.REES electronic library here:ELLHNKAICHAOS2@GMAIL.COM.